
Linux incrond inotify Monitor Directories For Changes And Take Action nixCraft Updated Tutorials/Posts

I want to copy (rsync to a remote server) a directory tree whenever file uploaded or deleted in /var/www/html/upload/ directory under Linux operating systems for backup purpose and/or load balancing purpose without getting into complicated file sharing setups such as NFS or GFS OR iSCSI storage. How do I monitor /var/www/html/upload/ and its subdirectory for…

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FreeBSD wget cannot verify certificate, issued by Let’s Encrypt nixCraft

I installed GNU wget utility on FreeBSD as explained here. However, whenever I use the wget command to download stuff from the Internet, it says:   ERROR: cannot verify’s certificate, issued by ‘CN=Let\’s Encrypt Authority X3,O=Let\’s Encrypt,C=US’:    Unable to locally verify the issuer’s authority.How do I fix this problem on FreeBSD 12?Introduction – The default wget…

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