
The vSphere server with UUID was not found on this cloud instance


I was creating some powercli scripts to help import virtual machines from vcenter into vcloud director the other day, when I came across this error on the import-civapp cmdlet:

PowerCLI import-civapp error

The vSphere server with UUID ‘D618CD0A-D7B7-45FO-ABDS-7BA1E9EF9EFC’ was not found on this cloud instance.


I’m using PowerCLI 6.5 RC1 for my scripting and was able to confirm via logging a VMware support ticket that this issue is currently known and will be resolved in the next PowerCLI release.

PowerCLI error cause

The cause of the problem is that PowerCLI see’s the UUID in upper case, whereas the UUID is actually in lower case within the vcenter database.

I’ll update the post once the new release of PowerCLI is available and confirm whether the issue is resolved or not.

The post The vSphere server with UUID was not found on this cloud instance appeared first on SYSADMINTUTORIALS IT TECHNOLOGY BLOG.