
Google Helpful Content Update: This Changes EVERYTHING in SEO…


Google Helpful Content Update: This Changes EVERYTHING in SEO…

Discover the seismic shift brought about by the recent Google Helpful Content Update and how it impacts both human and AI SEO strategies. Dive deep into my findings from this update, understanding what’s been working and what hasn’t. Get actionable insights, tools, and tactics that can help enhance your SEO efforts and drive more leads, traffic, and sales from Google.

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The Helpful Content Update wrapped up recently, lasting significantly shorter than its predecessor. What changes did it bring? How are niche sites and brands affected differently? I’ll share my perspective on the importance of trust signals, user-generated content, and the need for a genuine online presence. Learn the importance of building a brand in the SEO space and how it can impact your rankings.

Note: The content in this video is for fun and experimental purposes on test websites. Always conduct your own research when implementing SEO strategies, especially when considering AI content. My favourite SEO Tools?https://juliangoldie.com/bestseotools

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