
What is AWS? AWS Cloud Computing for Beginners | Explained in Plain English


If I had to explain Amazon Web Services (AWS) to my grandmother (or any other beginner), I would not tell her it’s a comprehensive cloud computing platform that offers scalable solutions and so on (even though it is).

Instead, I would keep it super simple, free of jargon, and focus on the basics.
That’s my approach to this video. In just a few minutes, I explain what AWS is, why you would use it, the problems it solves, and the foundational services you might want to explore further. Hope you enjoy!

??If you’re interested in getting AWS certifications, check out these full courses. They include lots of hands-on demos, quizzes and full practice exams. Use FRIENDS10 for a 10% discount!
– AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: https://academy.zerotomastery.io/a/aff_n20ghyn4/external?affcode=441520_lm7gzk-d
– AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate: https://academy.zerotomastery.io/a/aff_464yrtnn/external?affcode=441520_lm7gzk-d

00:00 – Some cloud computing humor
00:10 – What does my grandma have to do with AWS?
00:30 – Amazon Web Services (AWS): The big picture
01:15 – Why would you use AWS? An example.
02:13 – How things worked in the “good ol’ days”
03:08 – The problem that AWS solves
04:36 – How billing works in AWS
05:22 – The foundational AWS services

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