
Simple WordPress Theme Tweaks – Online Webinar


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We’re going to get intimate with your WordPress theme in the next webinar!

Simple WordPress Theme Tweaks
September 29th, 6pm – 7pm PST

to be rescheduled….

cost: $15 (hint, for discounts on future webinars, enter your email at the bottom of this page)

Ever clicked on the “Editor” menu and had the living daylights scared out of you by all that code?! Maybe you’ve come across a plugin that wanted you to insert some code into your theme and you were afraid you’d break your site?

Want to feel more in control of your WordPress theme files?

This is the webinar for you!

We’ll look under the hood of a WordPress theme and learn how to do some simple code manipulation. This will NOT turn you into a programmer!

The goal is to make the code less scary, to show you some of the common WordPress template tags so that you can make sense of a theme, and to use a couple of simple examples to show how you can work with the code even if you are not a programmer. Working with the code directly can reduce the number of plugins you use, thereby speeding up your site.

We’ll cover –

  • A brief intro to FTP.
  • Good practices for avoiding disaster when playing with theme files.
  • A few simple examples of working with theme files to help you get familiar with them and give you confidence to explore further.

We’ll cover all or some of these:

  • excluding pages from navigation menus
  • adding a Facebook Like button to your theme
  • creating a custom page template
  • removing or adding author names, dates, categories, tags etc to post information.

There will be time for Q&A.

Registration fee also includes:

  • free online access to video recording afterwards for reference
  • any code snippets used in the webinar will be made available for easy copy/pasting

Skill Level:
This webinar is for adventurous beginners and intermediate users!