Netapp Releases OnCommand Performance Manager 2.0 RC1


Netapp OnCommand Performance Manager 2.0 RC1

Netapp OnCommand Performance Manager ties in with OnCommand Unified Manager and provides performance monitoring and alerting of your Netapp C-Mode system running Data Ontap 8.3.x and 8.2.x

New Features of OnCommand Performance Manager include:

  • New Graphical interface with additional performance pages
  • Can now create user defined thresholds
  • System-Defined thresholds to monitor common node and aggregate performance issues
  • Support for two node Netapp MetroCluster configurations
  • Can now monitor workloads on All Flash FAS systems
  • Supports the Netapp Cloud Ontap operating system
  • Interoperability with OnCommand Unified Manager 6.2 and 6.3
  • Support for IPv6
  • New backup and restore functionality

Supported Installations of OnCommand Performance Manager:

  • VMware ESXi 5.5 or 6.0
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 or 6.6

Reference the Netapp Interoperability Matrix Tool for a full list of supported platforms – Netapp IMT

To download Netapp OnCommand Performance Manager visit the Netapp Downloads Page – Netapp Software

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