
Linux Aligned Disk with VMware and Netapp


The process is quite simple however there are a few optional parameters you will want to use to ensure your disk is aligned correctly

First up add a new disk to your Linux virtual machine via editing the config of the virtual machine.

Once the disk is added we’ll jump into the CLI of the Linux virtual machine either via console or SSH

Linux aligned disk – creating a partition

Find the disk that as been added to the Linux virtual machine, in my example it is /dev/sdb

fdisk /dev/sdb – Select the following options:

(n) creates a new partition
(p) creates a primary partition
(1) creates partition 1

accept the defaults to create the partition

Linux aligned disk – change beginning sector

still within fdisk select the following options:

(x) select expert mode
(b) to change the beginning sector
(1) select partition 1
(64) change the beginning sector to 64
(w) write changes

You can now exit fdisk

Linux aligned disk – creating a mount point and fstab

mkdir /datadrive (Creates a folder where we will be mounting our new drive)

We’ll now edit the /etc/fstab file to make the mount persistent across reboots

vi /etc/fstab

Enter a new line with the following details:

/dev/sdb1     /datadrive     ext3     defaults     1 3

save the file and exit

Linux aligned disk – creating the filesystem

mkfs -t ext3 -b 4096 /dev/sdb1

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