Introducing the Raspberry Pi 5

Introducing the Raspberry Pi 5

Title: The Benefits of Regular Exercise for Overall Well-being Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. Engaging in physical activities not only helps in weight management but also improves cardiovascular health, boosts mood, and enhances cognitive functions. One of the primary advantages of regular exercise is its ability to aid in…

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Build Your Own Distro With Archiso

Archiso is a highly-customizable tool for building Arch Linux live CD/USB ISO images. The official Arch images are built with Archiso. But, it can be used to create your own customized Arch ISO for personal use, or for potentially building your own Arch-based distro. REFERENCED: ? WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL? ? Patreon:…

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Arco Linux Xtended Has All The Window Managers

I often get asked which Linux distribution is my favorite. My answer is usually one of two responses: (a) I don’t have a favorite, or (b) it’s the distro that I’m currently running. Well, if it’s the latter then my favorite distro has been Arco Linux for the last two years. REFERENCED: ? WANT…

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Xargs Should Be In Your Command Line Toolbag

Xargs is an important shell utility to know because it allows you to execute to pass standard input as an argument to another command. While many command line programs allow standard input to be used as a parameter (things like grep, sed, awk etc.), many other programs do not allow for this (such as echo…

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DON’T Upgrade To Windows 11! Upgrade To Linux Instead.

Are you a Windows 10 user and considering upgrading to Windows 11? Have you considered other options? If not, then please watch this video before upgrading to Windows 11! MUSIC TRACK: “Auckland” by VYEN (from the YouTube Audio Library) WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL? ? Patreon: ? Paypal: ?? Amazon: ? Teespring:…

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Installing Xorg And DWM On Gentoo

I made a video last week where I did a base installation of Gentoo inside a virtual machine. Viewers asked me if I could do a video on how to install Xorg and desktop environment or window manager. So…continuing along on the Gentoo journey, I’m going to show you how to install Xorg and Dwm….

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Learning Sed Is Beneficial For Linux Users

sed is a stream editor. A stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline). The most common usage of sed involves substituting a pattern or string for another string. But sed can be used for many tasks. It’s a powerful command line utility…

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“Hey, DT! I Want A Distro In Between Ubuntu and Arch.” (And Other Questions)

Topics of discussion on this episode of “Hey, DT!” include: Audacity and alternatives, the middle ground between Ubuntu and Arch, my favorite music genre, the Windows package manager, Artix Linux, Javascript, audio interfaces that work with Linux, and Notepad++ dropping Bing over censorship. WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL? ? Patreon: ? Paypal: ??…

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Using Htop To Monitor Your System

Htop is an interactive system-monitor process-viewer and process-manager. It is designed as an alternative to the Unix program “top”. Even though Htop is a very popular program, many users are unaware of the customization options available for it. REFERENCED: ? WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL? ? Patreon: ? Paypal: ?? Amazon:…

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Snaps: How we got here

I’m celebrating nine years at Canonical, and coming up on 15 years since I started contributing to Ubuntu in the community. It’s been quite the ride, helping build, support and advocate for the most popular Linux desktop, and most used Linux distribution in the cloud. Over those years, we’ve strived to make it easy for…

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Embedded Linux for Teams

A Linux kernel for each developer team, which uses it to bring up target boards. Bespoke, built, issued, and maintained over years by the vendor. Teams that focus on building great apps, rather than figuring out hardware dependencies. Happy developers that bootstrap smart devices in no time. This is what highly productive embedded systems development…

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