
Launch an External Website URL from a Power Apps Canvas App


Most of the time, a Power Apps Canvas App is self-contained, but sometimes you need to navigate to an external URL, such as Google or some other website. This is easy to do!

In this hands-on tutorial, I’ll show you the “Launch” function and how to fill in its parameters to open a new website (Google), passing in optional parameters (a search phrase), and launching the site in the same tab (using LaunchTarget.Replace). I’ll also show you a gotcha with the new browser tab when running it with the Play/Preview in the app designer.

If you want to learn more about Power Apps Canvas Apps, I’ve partnered with the good folks at Pluralsight to do a 3-hour course. During the course, we’ll build an app from scratch, leveraging data from Dataverse. Check it out! https://pluralsight.pxf.io/LP12Jo

00:00 – Overviewing the completed example, navigating to a URL for Google and passing in a parameter for search phrase in the same browser tab
00:45 – Launching a website URL from the OnSelect of a button control
02:39 – Wait! How come the site keeps opening in a new tab, even when using LaunchTarget.Replace?

If you want to set up a free 30-day trial of Power Apps, check out another one of my videos: https://youtu.be/9attR2JnQnU.

And if you want to learn how to set default values in a dropdown menu, check out: https://youtu.be/owX2iLAXbQk

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