
Disable Netapp Flash Pool Caching Per Volume


How to Disable Netapp Flash Pool Caching Per Volume

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The default caching action for volumes on a flash pool aggregate is to cache reads and writes, however you may have a use case to disable caching on a per volume basis.

To determine the caching policy of a volume, we have to jump into the node shell and set the diag privilege.

CLUSTER::> node run NODE1

NODE1> priv set diag

NODE1*> priority hybrid-cache show volume1

Volume: volume1
Status: enabled
Read Cache Policy: random-read
Write Cache Policy: random-write

This is the default Read Cache and Write Cache policy setting, to cache random-reads and random-writes.

Valid settings are:

  • Read Cache Policy: none, meta, random-read, random-read-write
  • Write Cache Policy: none, random-write

What do the Read and Write Policies Mean ?

Not sure what the Read and Write Policies mean ? You can check out the descriptions in the links below:

Read Cache Policy: http://community.netapp.com/t5/Technology/Flash-Pool-Read-Policies/ba-p/83308

Write Cache Policy: http://community.netapp.com/t5/Technology/Flash-Pool-Write-Policies/ba-p/83405

Disable Read and Write Cache Policy

To disable read and write cache on our volume in the example above we type:

NODE1*> priority hybrid-cache set volume1 read-cache=none write-cache=none


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The post Disable Netapp Flash Pool Caching Per Volume appeared first on SYSADMINTUTORIALS IT TECHNOLOGY BLOG.