I wrote a post for Torque Mag ( an excellent WordPress news resource ) recently on the nature of the relationship between WordPress developers – those who create themes and plugins, and users of WordPress – those regular folks who have no interest in code and just want to create and manage their sites. As a WordPress trainer, mini-developer and user, on a daily basis I’m either taking on one of those roles, or I’m witnessing first hand how they interact. Oftentimes there’s miscommunication and misunderstandings. Ever bought a theme convinced it was going to do all that you needed it to do, only to find out you actually need to customize it with CSS? Or that it doesn’t have as much flexibility as the description implied? Ever been thoroughly underwhelmed with the lack of instructions on how to use a theme? Or perhaps the directions were about as user-friendly as a Latin book. I deal out some tough love to both developers and users on things each side can do to try and make life easier for the other. Would love to hear what you think. Read the article and comment over on Torque: Bridging The Gap Between WordPress Developers & Users
Monkey business for the geek in you!