
Create an Auto Scaling Group that Works with an Application Load Balancer | Beginner AWS Tutorials


In a prior video (https://youtu.be/ZGGpEwThhrM), I showed you how to work with a simple application load balancer that routed traffic between two EC2 instances. But what if you need 20 instances? Or 200? How can you manage that without a lot of administrative overhead?

The answer is auto scaling groups (ASGs)! ASGs can scale up and down automatically based on load. You just set up the parameters and rules, and the instances will be spun up or down for you. And this ties in seamlessly with an application load balancer, which we’ll be working with in this video.

In this hands-on tutorial, I’ll walk you through how to create and configure an auto scaling group that works with an application load balancer and a single target group.

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00:00 – Reviewing what we learned previously about load balancers
00:35 – Introducing auto scaling groups (ASGs)
01:19 – Reviewing the demo setup so far
01:58 – Reviewing the load balancer and target group in the AWS Console
02:21 – Creating a new auto scaling group in the AWS Console
02:38 – Creating a new launch template in the AWS Console
04:33 – Resuming the creation of the auto scaling group
07:28 – Viewing the instances and activity in an auto scaling group
08:53 – Simulating an unhealthy EC2 instance in the auto scaling group
16:48 – IMPORTANT! Deleting your auto scaling group and launch template

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