
Basics of CodeStar, Code Pipeline, CodeBuild, Cloud9, CodeCommit, CodeDeploy | AWS for Beginners


AWS offers many tools for developers, but it can sometimes be hard to know where to start. So many “Code” and “Cloud” things! Well, not to worry. In this video, I’ll explain in plain English what they’re all used for, and then we’ll see some of them in action.

In the hands-on tutorial, we’ll create a new AWS CodeStar project, using a template for Python with a Lambda function. Then we’ll set up the Cloud9 IDE where we write code. We’ll also take a lap around the CodeStar tabs, looking at CodeCommit, CodePipeline and CloudFormation.

Next, we’ll make a change to our code in Cloud9, staging the change and then ultimately committing it using git push. That will kick off Code Pipeline to build and deploy the changes, which we’ll then view in the browser.
Finally—and IMPORTANTLY!—I’ll walk you through how to delete all the resources we created in the video.

??If you’re interested in getting AWS certifications, check out these full courses. They include lots of hands-on demos, quizzes and full practice exams. Use FRIENDS10 for a 10% discount!
– AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: https://academy.zerotomastery.io/a/aff_n20ghyn4/external?affcode=441520_lm7gzk-d
– AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate: https://academy.zerotomastery.io/a/aff_464yrtnn/external?affcode=441520_lm7gzk-d

00:00 – An overview of the AWS Developer Tools and how they support the software development lifecycle
03:30 – Creating a new AWS CodeStar project with a Python and Lambda template
04:57 – Setting up the AWS Cloud9 IDE in a CodeStar project
05:42 – Viewing an application in a CodeStar project
06:13 – Viewing the AWS CodeCommit repository in a CodeStar project
06:40 – Viewing the CodePipeline in a CodeStar project
07:02 – Viewing monitoring for a CodeStar project
07:13 – Viewing issues/Jira for a CodeStar project
07:29 – Updating and committing code using Git and the Cloud9 IDE
09:15 – Viewing the progress of the CodePipeline in a CodeStar project
10:38 – IMPORTANT! Deleting your AWS resources from this video

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