
Rich results are rocking the SERPs

Rich search results are everywhere. Years ago, search engines presented search results without much adornment. Today, the search results look very different, especially on mobile. We see extra information beneath the links, plus a couple of big blocks of rich — often visual or action-oriented — content, depending on what you look for. In this…

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How does video SEO work?

Video is great for explaining a topic in just a couple of minutes. Or, to give people an idea of that product they’re thinking of buying. You can also use video to share your vision or insights with a very large audience. But what do you need to do to make your videos stand out…

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Ubuntu Groovy Gorilla on Raspberry Pi

On the 22nd of October, the 20.10 release was launched, featuring an Ubuntu Desktop image optimised for the Raspberry Pi.  It brings together Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi for educators, inventors and entrepreneurs, bringing the world’s most used open-source desktop to the world’s most accessible hardware. Getting started on Raspberry Pi using Ubuntu  Desktop Learn more…

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Celebrating Pride Month with Out in Tech

Happy Pride Month! Last year, I shared resources and highlighted organizations doing awesome work in the LGBTQ+ community. This year, I’m excited to tell you more about Out in Tech, an organization that Automattic has partnered with for the past four years. I’m proud to say that this year, the Queeromattic Employee Resource Group —…

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