
TikTok Tutorial #69 – How to create a Confetti Button using Javascript


TikTok Tutorial #69 - How to create a Confetti Button using Javascript

Learn with us how to create an amazing Confetti Button using Javascript!

If you found us on TikTok on the following post, check out this article and copy-paste the full code!

Happy coding! 😻

1. HTML Code
2. CSS Code
3. Javascript Code

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1. HTML Code

<button id="button" class="ready" onclick="clickButton();"> <div class="message submitMessage"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 13 12.2"> <polyline stroke="currentColor" points="2,7.1 6.5,11.1 11,7.1 "/> <line stroke="currentColor" x1="6.5" y1="1.2" x2="6.5" y2="10.3"/> </svg> <span class="button-text">Submit</span> </div> <div class="message loadingMessage"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 19 17"> <circle class="loadingCircle" cx="2.2" cy="10" r="1.6"/> <circle class="loadingCircle" cx="9.5" cy="10" r="1.6"/> <circle class="loadingCircle" cx="16.8" cy="10" r="1.6"/> </svg> </div> <div class="message successMessage"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 13 11"> <polyline stroke="currentColor" points="1.4,5.8 5.1,9.5 11.6,2.1 "/> </svg> <span class="button-text">Success</span> </div>
</button> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <!-- Website Corner Link -->
<a class="website-link" href="https://codepen.io/coopergoeke" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <svg class="website-link__icon" viewBox="0 0 936.86 1054.94"> <circle cx="468.43" cy="607.07" r="395.02" fill="#fff" stroke="#8aa8c5" stroke-width="55" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M235.76 936.24l9.7-135.08c3.7-53.1 43.2-96.01 96.01-93.96h250.85c52.81-2.05 92.33 41.65 96.01 93.96l10.73 135.81s-98.94 65.12-231.06 65.12-232.24-65.85-232.24-65.85z" fill="#293b67"/> <circle cx="468.43" cy="607.07" r="395.02" fill="none" stroke="#8aa8c5" stroke-width="55" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M532.23 716.09c0 23.61-35.44 30-64.23 30s-64.23-8.39-64.23-30V607.76h128.46v108.33z" fill="#e2cfbb"/> <path d="M532.23 678.63s-35.44 8.46-64.23 8.46-64.23-7.83-64.23-7.83v-130.5h128.46v129.87z" fill="#d3c2b2"/> <path d="M722.57 326.26c0 193.67-79.11 350.67-255.53 350.67s-253.25-157-253.25-350.67 156.76-210.31 253.25-210.31c126.23 0 255.53 16.64 255.53 210.31z" fill="#ffe8cc"/> <path d="M604.47 634.6c-11.18 8.23-23.2 15.37-36.06 21.33-29.33 13.58-63.06 20.99-101.38 20.99-31.91 0-60.57-5.14-86.1-14.7-50.16-18.78-88.26-54.66-115.33-102.22-35.3-62.04-51.82-143.95-51.82-233.74 0-83.76 29.32-134.41 70.41-164.91-90.46 362.86 101.1 570.06 320.28 473.25z" fill="#f3ddc3"/> <path d="M701.59 182.44c-6.72-15.99-8.89-39.53-18.6-51.9-1.69-2.16-6.62-3.91-12.43-5.52-15.99-16.61-43.59-39.48-65.94-49.1-7.45-3.21-49.94-38.95-58.11-41.45-6.06-1.85-3.35 25.38-19.3 18.59-31.38-13.36-71.2-32.91-85.46-34.43-17.17-1.84 6.77 41.39-12.69 41.39-36.11 0-65.27-23.14-82.97-25.55-1.48 22.91-9.35 37.78-24.01 44.8-12.97 6.21-42.51.74-53.19 9.43 8.93 20.86-.31 22.93-1.87 37.18-7.32 3.08-17.47 5.36-17.47 5.36-11.17 13.67-10.86 35.77-18.24 54.03-7.44 18.42-12.96 39.27-16.63 62.75-3.65 23.39-3.52 72.17-3.52 101 0 96.83 56.25-132.84 91.88-160.87 35.63-28.02 164-32.7 164-32.7S620 163.71 648.95 193.9c28.95 30.18 75.9 249.36 75.9 160.96 0-59.25-7.63-135.22-23.26-172.42z" fill="#f2cf6f"/> <path d="M441.75 18.63c-15.02-1.61 1.38 31.23-7.26 39.53 15.28-3.58 10.26-39.58 7.26-39.53z" fill="#d8b45c"/> <path d="M346.09 34.47c-1.48 22.91-12.06 43.85-33.99 47.54 12.81-1.1 21.29 3.03 34.75-2.18 17.45-6.76 16.94-42.95-.76-45.36z" fill="#d8b45c"/> <path d="M268.89 88.7c8.93 20.86-.31 22.93-1.87 37.18-7.32 3.08-17.47 5.36-17.47 5.36-11.17 13.67-10.86 35.77-18.24 54.03-7.44 18.42-12.96 39.27-16.63 62.75-3.65 23.39 15.73-33.35 48.77-64.39 32.36-30.39 16.12-103.62 5.44-94.93z" fill="#d8b45c"/> <path d="M505.31 460.4c0-10.8-16.63-19.55-37.14-19.55s-37.14 8.75-37.14 19.55 74.28 10.79 74.28 0z" fill="#d3bfae"/> <path d="M330.65 366.32c28.67-30.62 53.86-31.06 82.1 0" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-width="14" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M521.65 366.32c28.67-30.62 53.86-31.06 82.1 0" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-width="14" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10"/> <path d="M468.01 617.93c-35.42 0-71.93-28.05-71.93-55.82 0-12.56 10.52-18.84 23.38-18.84h97.43c12.86 0 23.38 6.31 23.38 18.84 0 30.2-36.84 55.82-72.26 55.82z" fill="#824446"/> <defs> <path id="a" d="M468.01 617.93c-35.42 0-71.93-28.05-71.93-55.82 0-12.56 10.52-18.84 23.38-18.84h97.43c12.86 0 23.38 6.31 23.38 18.84 0 30.2-36.84 55.82-72.26 55.82z"/> </defs> <clipPath id="b"> <use xlink:href="#a" overflow="visible"/> </clipPath> <circle cx="468.17" cy="614.05" r="30" clip-path="url(#b)" fill="#f37879"/> </svg> <span class="website-link__name">Cooper <span class="website-link__last-name">Goeke</span></span> <span class="website-link__message">Check out more of my work</span>

2. CSS Code

@keyframes loading { 0% { cy: 10; } 25% { cy: 3; } 50% { cy: 10; }
} body { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; background-color: #f4f7ff;
} canvas { height: 100vh; pointer-events: none; position: fixed; width: 100%; z-index: 2;
} button { background: none; border: none; color: #f4f7ff; cursor: pointer; font-family: 'Quicksand', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 500; height: 40px; left: 50%; outline: none; overflow: hidden; padding: 0 10px; position: fixed; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); width: 190px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; z-index: 1; &::before { background: #1f2335; border-radius: 50px; box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4) inset; content: ''; display: block; height: 100%; margin: 0 auto; position: relative; transition: width .2s cubic-bezier(.39,1.86,.64,1) .3s; width: 100%; }
button.ready { .submitMessage svg { opacity: 1; top: 1px; transition: top .4s ease 600ms, opacity .3s linear 600ms; } .submitMessage .button-text span { top: 0; opacity: 1; transition: all .2s ease calc(var(--dr) + 600ms); }
button.loading { &::before { transition: width .3s ease; width: 80%; } .loadingMessage { opacity: 1; } .loadingCircle { animation-duration: 1s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-name: loading; cy: 10; }
button.complete { .submitMessage svg { top: -30px; transition: none; } .submitMessage .button-text span { top: -8px; transition: none; } .loadingMessage { top: 80px; } .successMessage .button-text span { left: 0; opacity: 1; transition: all .2s ease calc(var(--d) + 1000ms); } .successMessage svg { stroke-dashoffset: 0; transition: stroke-dashoffset .3s ease-in-out 1.4s; }
} .button-text span { opacity: 0; position: relative;
} .message { left: 50%; position: absolute; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); width: 100%;
} .message svg { display: inline-block; fill: none; margin-right: 5px; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-width: 2;
} .submitMessage { .button-text span { top: 8px; transition: all .2s ease var(--d); } svg { color: #5c86ff; margin-left: -1px; opacity: 0; position: relative; top: 30px; transition: top .4s ease, opacity .3s linear; width: 14px; }
} .loadingMessage { opacity: 0; transition: opacity .3s linear .3s, top .4s cubic-bezier(.22,0,.41,-0.57); svg { fill: #5c86ff; margin: 0; width: 22px; }
} .successMessage { .button-text span { left: 5px; transition: all .2s ease var(--dr); } svg { color: #5cffa1; stroke-dasharray: 20; stroke-dashoffset: 20; transition: stroke-dashoffset .3s ease-in-out; width: 14px; }
} .loadingCircle:nth-child(2) { animation-delay: .1s }
.loadingCircle:nth-child(3) { animation-delay: .2s } /* Website Link */
.website-link { background: #f8faff; border-radius: 50px 0 0 50px; bottom: 30px; color: #324b77; cursor: pointer; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; font-weight: 600; height: 34px; filter: drop-shadow(2px 3px 4px rgba(#000, .1)); padding: 0 20px 0 40px; position: fixed; right: 0; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; &__icon { left: -10px; position: absolute; top: -12px; width: 44px; } &__name { display: block; font-size: 14px; line-height: 14px; margin: 5px 0 3px; } &__last-name { color: #55bada; } &__message { color: #8aa8c5; display: block; font-size: 7px; line-height: 7px; }

3. Javascript Code

// ammount to add on each button press
const confettiCount = 20
const sequinCount = 10 // "physics" variables
const gravityConfetti = 0.3
const gravitySequins = 0.55
const dragConfetti = 0.075
const dragSequins = 0.02
const terminalVelocity = 3 // init other global elements
const button = document.getElementById('button')
var disabled = false
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas')
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
canvas.width = window.innerWidth
canvas.height = window.innerHeight
let cx = ctx.canvas.width / 2
let cy = ctx.canvas.height / 2 // add Confetto/Sequin objects to arrays to draw them
let confetti = []
let sequins = [] // colors, back side is darker for confetti flipping
const colors = [ { front : '#7b5cff', back: '#6245e0' }, // Purple { front : '#b3c7ff', back: '#8fa5e5' }, // Light Blue { front : '#5c86ff', back: '#345dd1' } // Darker Blue
] // helper function to pick a random number within a range
randomRange = (min, max) => Math.random() * (max - min) + min // helper function to get initial velocities for confetti
// this weighted spread helps the confetti look more realistic
initConfettoVelocity = (xRange, yRange) => { const x = randomRange(xRange[0], xRange[1]) const range = yRange[1] - yRange[0] + 1 let y = yRange[1] - Math.abs(randomRange(0, range) + randomRange(0, range) - range) if (y >= yRange[1] - 1) { // Occasional confetto goes higher than the max y += (Math.random() < .25) ? randomRange(1, 3) : 0 } return {x: x, y: -y}
} // Confetto Class
function Confetto() { this.randomModifier = randomRange(0, 99) this.color = colors[Math.floor(randomRange(0, colors.length))] this.dimensions = { x: randomRange(5, 9), y: randomRange(8, 15), } this.position = { x: randomRange(canvas.width/2 - button.offsetWidth/4, canvas.width/2 + button.offsetWidth/4), y: randomRange(canvas.height/2 + button.offsetHeight/2 + 8, canvas.height/2 + (1.5 * button.offsetHeight) - 8), } this.rotation = randomRange(0, 2 * Math.PI) this.scale = { x: 1, y: 1, } this.velocity = initConfettoVelocity([-9, 9], [6, 11])
Confetto.prototype.update = function() { // apply forces to velocity this.velocity.x -= this.velocity.x * dragConfetti this.velocity.y = Math.min(this.velocity.y + gravityConfetti, terminalVelocity) this.velocity.x += Math.random() > 0.5 ? Math.random() : -Math.random() // set position this.position.x += this.velocity.x this.position.y += this.velocity.y // spin confetto by scaling y and set the color, .09 just slows cosine frequency this.scale.y = Math.cos((this.position.y + this.randomModifier) * 0.09) } // Sequin Class
function Sequin() { this.color = colors[Math.floor(randomRange(0, colors.length))].back, this.radius = randomRange(1, 2), this.position = { x: randomRange(canvas.width/2 - button.offsetWidth/3, canvas.width/2 + button.offsetWidth/3), y: randomRange(canvas.height/2 + button.offsetHeight/2 + 8, canvas.height/2 + (1.5 * button.offsetHeight) - 8), }, this.velocity = { x: randomRange(-6, 6), y: randomRange(-8, -12) }
Sequin.prototype.update = function() { // apply forces to velocity this.velocity.x -= this.velocity.x * dragSequins this.velocity.y = this.velocity.y + gravitySequins // set position this.position.x += this.velocity.x this.position.y += this.velocity.y } // add elements to arrays to be drawn
initBurst = () => { for (let i = 0; i < confettiCount; i++) { confetti.push(new Confetto()) } for (let i = 0; i < sequinCount; i++) { sequins.push(new Sequin()) }
} // draws the elements on the canvas
render = () => { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) confetti.forEach((confetto, index) => { let width = (confetto.dimensions.x * confetto.scale.x) let height = (confetto.dimensions.y * confetto.scale.y) // move canvas to position and rotate ctx.translate(confetto.position.x, confetto.position.y) ctx.rotate(confetto.rotation) // update confetto "physics" values confetto.update() // get front or back fill color ctx.fillStyle = confetto.scale.y > 0 ? confetto.color.front : confetto.color.back // draw confetto ctx.fillRect(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height) // reset transform matrix ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) // clear rectangle where button cuts off if (confetto.velocity.y < 0) { ctx.clearRect(canvas.width/2 - button.offsetWidth/2, canvas.height/2 + button.offsetHeight/2, button.offsetWidth, button.offsetHeight) } }) sequins.forEach((sequin, index) => { // move canvas to position ctx.translate(sequin.position.x, sequin.position.y) // update sequin "physics" values sequin.update() // set the color ctx.fillStyle = sequin.color // draw sequin ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(0, 0, sequin.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI) ctx.fill() // reset transform matrix ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) // clear rectangle where button cuts off if (sequin.velocity.y < 0) { ctx.clearRect(canvas.width/2 - button.offsetWidth/2, canvas.height/2 + button.offsetHeight/2, button.offsetWidth, button.offsetHeight) } }) // remove confetti and sequins that fall off the screen // must be done in seperate loops to avoid noticeable flickering confetti.forEach((confetto, index) => { if (confetto.position.y >= canvas.height) confetti.splice(index, 1) }) sequins.forEach((sequin, index) => { if (sequin.position.y >= canvas.height) sequins.splice(index, 1) }) window.requestAnimationFrame(render)
} // cycle through button states when clicked
clickButton = () => { if (!disabled) { disabled = true // Loading stage button.classList.add('loading') button.classList.remove('ready') setTimeout(() => { // Completed stage button.classList.add('complete') button.classList.remove('loading') setTimeout(() => { window.initBurst() setTimeout(() => { // Reset button so user can select it again disabled = false button.classList.add('ready') button.classList.remove('complete') }, 4000) }, 320) }, 1800) }
} // re-init canvas if the window size changes
resizeCanvas = () => { canvas.width = window.innerWidth canvas.height = window.innerHeight cx = ctx.canvas.width / 2 cy = ctx.canvas.height / 2
} // resize listenter
window.addEventListener('resize', () => { resizeCanvas()
}) // click button on spacebar or return keypress
document.body.onkeyup = (e) => { if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) { clickButton() }
} // Set up button text transition timings on page load
textElements = button.querySelectorAll('.button-text')
textElements.forEach((element) => { characters = element.innerText.split('') let characterHTML = '' characters.forEach((letter, index) => { characterHTML += `<span class="char${index}" style="--d:${index * 30}ms; --dr:${(characters.length - index - 1) * 30}ms;">${letter}</span>` }) element.innerHTML = characterHTML
}) // kick off the render loop

I hope you did find this tutorial useful!

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