
The Real Threat of Research Espionage: Striking a Balance between Security and International Collaboration

The Real Threat of Research Espionage: Striking a Balance between Security and International Collaboration

Australia’s research institutions are facing threats from nefarious actors, particularly from China. The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) has acknowledged these attempts to compromise the sector. However, critics argue that Australia’s response to these threats is inadequate compared to its allies and partners.

Contrary to these claims, Australia’s response to foreign interference has been flexible and proportionate, effectively managing the risks without hindering international collaboration, which is crucial for research in the 21st century. ASIO’s director-general, Mike Burgess, has stated that Australia is ahead of the curve in identifying and managing these risks. The Department of Home Affairs also highlighted Australia’s leadership in countering foreign interference in the education and research sectors, attracting significant interest from international counterparts.

The landscape has evolved over the past few years, with ASIO’s understanding of foreign interference progressing and universities becoming more responsive to the agency’s warnings. The establishment of the Universities Foreign Interference Taskforce in 2019 has facilitated collaboration between government agencies and research institutions, resulting in best-practice guidelines for managing risks. Burgess commended universities for their cooperation and collaborative efforts with the government.

A report released by the Department of Education confirmed that universities understand the threats posed by foreign interference and have made progress in implementing the taskforce’s guidelines. Implementation varies across the sector, reflecting the different risks faced by each university. This approach ensures a proportionate response that avoids unnecessary costs and allows for innovation.

It is essential to strike a balance between increasing research security and maintaining international collaboration. ASIO emphasizes the need for a well-balanced approach that does not impede research institutions’ ability to perform their role. Focusing solely on China and adopting a heavy-handed approach would be detrimental to Australia’s interests. China has become a peer of the US in research and knowledge creation, and Australia relies on international collaboration in various sectors where China is a technology leader.