
Study finds that planet cannibalism is prevalent in the cosmos

Study finds that planet cannibalism is prevalent in the cosmos

The stability of planetary systems has long been a subject of interest for physicists. While the rules governing the orbits of two celestial bodies are well understood, the dynamics become much more complex when a third or more bodies are involved. Unpredictable instabilities can arise, leading to objects being ejected into space or falling into their host star.

This “three-body problem” has puzzled scientists for centuries, and its complexity has made it difficult to determine how common catastrophic instabilities are. However, a new study published in Nature has shed some light on this issue. Researchers conducted a survey of nearby stars and found that as many as one in twelve pairs of stars may have consumed a planet due to instabilities in its orbit.

To detect this phenomenon, the researchers focused on “twin stars” that were born at the same time from the same materials. By studying these pairs, they were able to eliminate other possible explanations for the observed chemical patterns. The team collected spectroscopic data from 91 pairs of twin stars, a much larger sample size than previous studies.

The researchers found that some stars differed from their twins in terms of their chemical composition, indicating that they had consumed a planet. This suggests that instabilities in the dynamics of planetary systems may be more common than previously thought.

Simulations suggest that such instabilities are likely to occur in the early stages of a planetary system’s life, within the first 100 million years. However, the stars observed in this study are billions of years old, so any traces of planets consumed during this early period would be undetectable.

The study also supports the idea that planetary systems with “super-Earth” planets may be particularly unstable. The gravitational interactions between these planets and their host star could lead to instability.

While this research does not suggest that our own Solar System is likely to experience such instabilities, it does prompt us to reconsider the stability of planetary systems in general. The study serves as a reminder of the delicate balance that allows life to thrive on Earth and highlights the potential fragility of our cosmic home.

The researchers hope that their study will inspire further exploration of planetary systems and their relationship with their host stars. Our understanding of the dynamics of multiple-body systems is still incomplete, and continued research in this area will contribute to our knowledge of the cosmos.