
Setting up a WordPress Site the Right Way [video]


How To Set Up A WordPress Site The Right Way - Natalie MacLees - WordCamp Phoenix 2013

WordPress.tv is a wonderful resource for WordPress users of all levels. They post all the videos of presentations gathered from WordCamp events all over the world. You can see some amazing speakers with excellent info to share.

The video below is from my friend Natalie MacLees who is an extremely talented WordPress designer & developer and also runs the SoCal WordPress Meetup group (highly recommended if you  are in the LA area). She spoke recently at WordCamp Phoenix on how to go about setting up a WordPress site the right way. And don’t be fooled by the title…this is not your average tutorial about how to install WordPress. Natalie discusses the checklist of things that you must prepare before you even touch the “Install WordPress” button. It’s really a fantastic presentation for those just about to get started with WordPress. Even if you have already got WordPress up and running, I recommend checking out this video to help you craft the direction and development of your site.

Check out the slides here.