
How to Reset your Linux Root Password


Whenever you can’t remember Root password, you can read this tutorial and do step by step to Reset it … You can log in with single-user mode and create a new root password.
Reboot your computer. When GRUB is presenting the menu list, follow those instructions:

  • use the arrows to select the boot entry you want to modify
  • press e to edit the entry
  • use the arrows to go to kernel line
  • press e to edit this entry
  • at the end of the line add the word single (there should be a space between like  / single)
  • press ENTER to go back to the parent menu
  • press b to boot this kernel

As root, changing password does not ask for your old password. Now, you can change root’s password by typing:

bash# passwd root

You’ll be asked to re-type the password for verification. Once you’re finished, the password will be changed and you can reboot by typing shutdown -r now at the prompt; then you can log in to root as before

My boot loader is LILO

At LILO boot loader type linux single and press [ENTER] key:
Boot: linux single
When you get the # prompt you will need to type passwd root to reset password:
# passwd
Reboot system:
# sync
# reboot