
Quick Tip: Google Keyword Tool Shutting Down


Google Keyword tool shutting downThe Google Keyword tool which is an essential tool for researching keywords – finding search volume and related phrases etc is shutting down and is going to be replaced with their new tool called Keyword Planner. It will still be free, although you will need to be logged into an AdWords account to access it. This SearchEngineLand article explains how to use it. It’s not too much different and if you use the current keyword tool you’ll be able to figure it out. But one of the great improvements is for people interested in local SEO. The current tool only gives you info broken down by Global results and US results,  but the new tool lets you target local areas much more easily. This SEOmoz article explains exactly how to use the local features. This could actually be an example of Google shutting something down that doesn’t incite the people’s fury!

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