
PSA: Skillcrush Alumni Have Taken All the Tech Jobs


That’s right: there are no tech jobs left. They’re all gone, filled by qualified, talented Skillcrush alums!

But hey, someone’s bound to quit eventually. Decide to start pearl farming in Tahiti. Become a Buddhist Monk and take a vow of silence. Fall in love with an outdoorsy type, go off the grid, and give up technology altogether. Or something.

In other words, it’s not too late! You can still learn awesome tech skills and be waiting in the wings for the next amazing job opening. Sign up for one of our Career Blueprints now and be the next Skillcrush alum to land their dream job in tech!

PS – April Fools!! We are obvz joking. There are SO many open jobs in tech. Check out these post to get an idea of what’s out there:

  • 14 Junior Developer Jobs for Beginners in Tech
  • 45 Creative Tech Jobs at Companies You Love
  • 9 High-Paying Tech Jobs for Creatives
  • 25 Tech Jobs You Can Get Without a Degree
  • 10 Tech Jobs That Pay $100K or More
  • 41 Real Tech Jobs for Changing Careers
  • 6 High-Paying Jobs for Tech Beginners
  • 5 Tech Jobs for Creatives That Will Actually Make You Happy

The post PSA: Skillcrush Alumni Have Taken All the Tech Jobs appeared first on Skillcrush.