Problems with CenotOS5 – cPanel and BIND


If you have issues with cPanel running CentOS5 with BIND then the easiest way is to downgrade BIND to 9.2.4

The reason you’re having trouble is because CentOS 5 uses bind-9.3 and CentOS 4 uses bind-9.2 – The changes between these versions is significant enough that cPanel won’t work with it properly.

For instance by default there is no /etc/named.conf file created when bind-9.3 is installed and the default named.conf file for bind-9.3 is significantly different than in older versions.

Until the code is updated to work with bind-9.3, I have found the workaround to be to remove bind-9.3 packages and install bind-9.2 packages as follows:

Log into your servers via SSH and firstly we BIND

yum remove bind-*

yum remove bind

Then we ll install the old BIND rpm’s from a mirror closed to you

rpm -Uvh –nodeps
rpm -Uvh –nodeps
rpm -Uvh –nodeps
rpm -Uvh –nodeps

simlink this
ln -s ../../lib/ /usr/lib/

service named start

The –nodeps flag is tagged on because of dependency "" for the bind packages.

Run those cPanel SSH comands


You’ll also need to edit /etc/yum.conf and add a line in the [main] section
 that starts "exclude=" or append to this line if it already exists "bind* caching-nameserver".

nano  /etc/yum.conf

This prevents yum from updating bind-9.2 to bind-9.3 and in the process breaking cPanel.
If you fail to do this when cPanel update is run BIND will get updated and the DNS functionality of cPanel will break.
I hope this helps shed some light on this anoying issue.


PS: To find the dowload mirrors appropiate to your location please go here