
Cómo realizar un análisis competitivo de redes sociales (plantilla incluida sin costo)

Es probable que muchas marcas midan su éxito con base en su propio crecimiento. Tus seguidores aumentaron un 20 %, ¡genial! En promedio recibiste 10 % más comentarios por publicación, ¡asombroso! ¿O no? Aunque todas esas cifras son geniales, ¿cómo se comparan contra marcas similares en tu industria? Puedes fácilmente responder a todas esas preguntas y más…

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Weekly News for Designers ? 585

100 underline/overlay animations | The ultimate CSS collection – Use this collection to find the perfect CSS animation for your project. Why Thinking Ahead Is Crucial in Web Design – Learn how to design websites with the future in mind. Read moreInstalling and Configuring your OnApp CloudCharts.css – Check out this modern CSS framework that…

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Why you need to share an executive summary of your social media reports with leadership

To most social marketers, metrics like impressions, engagements, conversions and clicks need almost no explaining. These are the numbers you’re likely already tracking on a regular basis to help measure your social performance and identify areas for improvement. While these metrics may make complete sense to you and your team, things like follower count and…

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Canonical, Collabora, Nextcloud deliver work-from-home solution to Raspberry Pi and enterprise ARM users

March 25th, 2021 – Canonical, Collabora and Nextcloud announce the immediate availability of a content collaboration platform for 64bit ARM for both consumers and enterprises. Building on the prior Nextcloud Ubuntu Appliance it adds with Collabora Online, the first viable self-hosted web office solution on the popular Raspberry Pi 4 platform. The Raspberry Pi series…

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Meet my co-worker, webbot

Like every team, the web team has a set of features that are super useful to automate. We use Hubot, a technology owned by GitHub to write very simple bot scripts that we can interact with. The way we use the bot is mostly via Mattermost. We called it: webbot. In this article I would…

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