
Only a fraction of Australian scorpions are scientifically identified – two new species discovered.

Only a fraction of Australian scorpions are scientifically identified - two new species discovered.

Scorpions have been around for over 400 million years, making them one of the oldest land animals. They outlived the non-bird dinosaurs, which became extinct 65 million years ago. Despite their ancient origins, the external anatomy of scorpions has changed very little over time.

During the process of describing a new scorpion species in Western Australia, researchers discovered another species with the same external shape and structure. The only way to differentiate between the two species was by examining the male reproductive organs. This is the first time scorpion species have been distinguished solely based on male reproductive anatomy.

This finding suggests that there are likely many more scorpion species in Australia than previously thought. While most Australians associate scorpions with desert environments, they can be found in a variety of habitats across the country, from salt lakes to rainforests.

Surprisingly, less than 10% of Australia’s scorpion species have been scientifically described or named. The Urodacus genus, which is endemic to mainland Australia, represents a significant diversity of scorpion species. These scorpions are known for their deep burrows and ability to survive in arid ecosystems. They play a crucial role in some habitats and are popular among scorpion enthusiasts.

The trading of scorpions relies on harvesting from natural populations, but little is known about their diversity and distribution. This lack of knowledge poses a threat to their conservation, especially since some species have small distributions and are vulnerable to habitat loss. Currently, there is no regulation for scorpion ownership in most Australian states.

The recent discovery of two new scorpion species highlights the need for further research on Australian scorpions. It is estimated that there could be at least 500 scorpion species in Australia, but only 47 have been described and named. Without proper documentation and understanding, many species may become extinct before they are even identified.

Studying Australian scorpions will not only contribute to their conservation but also reveal more about their unique biology. Scorpion mating rituals, for example, involve a dance and sometimes even stinging as part of courtship. The transfer of sperm occurs through a detachable penis, which functions as a mating plug in the female reproductive tract.

There is still much to learn about scorpion natural history, and expanding our knowledge is crucial for protecting threatened species and their habitats. It would also aid in regulating wild collections and promoting responsible pet ownership for conservation purposes.