
Leveraging Bun on Vultr: A superior Node.js alternative | MDN Blog

Leveraging Bun on Vultr: A superior Node.js alternative | MDN Blog

In addition to its runtime, Bun comes with a package manager that is relatively faster than the alternatives. This can be attributed to the fact that after a module is installed, Bun downloads it into a global module cache. If the module is needed again later, Bun checks the cache first to avoid redundant installations.

Below are some commonly used Bun commands:

  • To install all the dependencies:
    bun install 
  • To add a new package to the project:
    bun add <package> 
  • To add a new development-only package:
    bun add <package> --dev 
  • To remove a package from the project:
    bun remove <package> 
  • To update a specific package to its latest version:
    bun update <package> 
  • To execute a specified script:
    bun run <script> 

Bun is not only a runtime but also a bundler designed to bundle JavaScript and TypeScript. It includes a minifier that can target code for the browser, Node.js, and other platforms. This sets Bun apart from other runtimes, which rely on third-party tools such as WebPack, Rollup, and Parcel for bundling.

To bundle the index.tx file, use the following command:

bun build ./index.tsx --outdir ./build

This command writes the bundle to the ./build directory on the disk.