Step-By-Step Search Engine Optimization For Your Blog/Website
Thursday July 14th, 7:30pm – 9:30pm, $40

@ Blankspaces
5405 Wilshire Blvd (2 blocks west of La Brea)
Los Angeles,
CA 90036
free parking is available – see Blankspaces website for details.
You’ve set up your website, now what? How will anyone find you? How will you attract the targeted traffic you need for your business? Search engines are one of the most powerful sources of traffic if you know the basic principles. This class will teach you the fundamentals of search engine optimization so that you can develop a thriving and effective business website or blog.
This class is designed for those with little or no understanding of search engine optimization, or anyone who is not getting the results they expect from their SEO. The examples will skew toward self-hosted WordPress users in terms of implementation, but the principles and techniques apply to all types of sites.
We will cover the fundamental step-by-step process to improving your website’s rankings:
- What keywords should you target and how to do the research
- How to find out which keywords you can rank for and which are too competitive
- How to optimize your content for find-ability and relevance.
- How search engines see your site and what keeps them coming back.
- How Google determines how relevant your site is. Make sure you’re sending the right signals!
- Why SEO goes beyond just installing a plugin
- No blog is an island- why links are important
- How new changes by Google can change the game – and your strategy
- Essential resources for further learning
All participants will also receive a pdf covering all the info from the class.
* Please note this class is not WordPress-specific. The principles of SEO apply to all websites no matter what platform they are built on.
Some kind words from clients and previous workshop attendees:
“You Rock!!!! Thank you, so much, for everything! You made me “get” the web, which is not that easy:) I am SO excited about starting my own website. You are SO informative and have such a great way about you.”
– Turon
“Lucy is hands-down one of the best teachers I have ever had and I’ve had quite a few. Her communication skills are clear, which made my learning process faster and easier. Two words – Lucy ROCKS!”
– Stephany Alexander – Author, Internet Entrepreneur and Relationship Expert