We’re happy to announce that we’ve once again listed our Kali Linux images on the Amazon AWS marketplace. You can now spin up an updated Kali machine easily through your EC2 panel. Our current image is a “full” image, which contains all the standard tools available in a full Kali release. Once your instance is running, connect to it with your SSH private key using the “ec2-user” account. Don’t forget to update your Kali instance to get the latest packages and bug fixes. Type as root (or sudo): apt update && apt dist-upgrade. We are “selling” these images on the marketplace for free, so other than the regular Amazon charges, there are no extras to pay. The Kali team would like to take this opportunity to thank @r0kh for his efforts of getting Kali back on track (no pun intended) and working flawlessly in AWS. If you plan to use these Kali images for penetration testing in an AWS environment, make sure you check out the Amazon penetration testing request form.
Kali Rolling on AWS