
Introducing the Fedora Operations Architect – Fedora Magazine

Introducing the Fedora Operations Architect - Fedora Magazine

Hi Fedora community! I would like to formally introduce myself to you all as the project’s new Operations Architect! I will be coming on board officially to coordinate the releases, manage the change proposals, and help around the project in many different ways.

A little bit about me for those of you who don’t know me, and those of you who think you do. ? I’ve been in Red Hat for over six years now, working with the Fedora and CentOS projects for the last four of those. My background is in airport ground staff operations (seriously!), which has prepared me well for helping things take off and land in Fedora. And I can handle a little turbulence at times too. I’ve also worked in facilities management and project management, and have learned how to balance the super-serious business stuff like meeting deadlines, gathering and refining requirements and managing expectations while enjoying working with different people and different teams. Since joining Red Hat, I have loved learning about the open source project world and the ethos of the FOSS community and I am so happy to have the opportunity to work with the Fedora Project full time!

I’ve been in the Fedora Project working as part of the Community Platform Engineering team. I am known for helping them deliver a number of projects that have helped the Fedora Project ecosystem such as the new F.M.N service and the new Fedora Accounts system. But I am also known for hosting the Flock/Nest/Hatch pub quizzes …and swearing! If I have said a swear word in your presence, that means I am comfortable enough around you to be myself, and I have always felt comfortable in the Fedora community.

In my free time I help my son who is an avid and competitive equestrian, specifically in ShowJumping. I like to say he is following in my hoofprints as I competed in my (much) younger years also, but I am pleased to say he is much, much better. We have a lot of ponies, and all with people names (Josh, Philip, Victor, Joe, and Herman), all very cute, but oh boy are they a lot of work! However, I am a firm believer that nothing worth having comes easy so I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

I have one teency request to you all, and that is to allow a little time for me to gather my bearings and get comfortable in this new and exciting role so I can be effective and helpful as your operations architect. If you want to reach me, my contact info is listed below, and I really am so happy to be working officially with and on the Fedora Project. It is a truly special place and I look forward to working with you all!

Matrix: amoloney:fedora.im
IRC: amoloney
Email: amoloney@redhat.com

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