
How Zillow Is Adapting to Distributed Work

How Zillow Is Adapting to Distributed Work
Zillow Group CEO Rich Barton.

The Seattle-based real estate company Zillow Group announced recently that its employees can continue to work from home through 2020. Zillow CEO Rich Barton wrote on Twitter that his views about distributed work had been “turned upside down over the past two months. I expect this will have a lasting influence on the future of work … and home.” Zillow has more than 5,200 full-time employees — they also recently launched a virtual onboarding program for new employees.

Matt Mullenweg joined Barton for an all-company town hall about remote work, in which he shared his views about the benefits (autonomy, efficiency, access to global talent) and best practices (API: Assume Positive Intent). Here’s more from their chat:

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