
How can I select washing machine settings to extend the lifespan of my clothes?

How can I select washing machine settings to extend the lifespan of my clothes?

Living on the International Space Station presents unique challenges for astronauts, including the inability to do laundry due to water scarcity. However, here on Earth, washing clothes is a significant part of our daily lives. In fact, it is estimated that the equivalent of 21,000 Olympic swimming pools worth of water is used for domestic laundry worldwide each day.

Unfortunately, fibers from our clothes find their way into the environment through the air, water, and soil. Most of this fiber loss goes unnoticed until it’s too late and our favorite clothing items start to deteriorate.

The question then becomes: how can we ensure that our favorite outfits last longer? The answer is not simple.

Research confirms that laundering is harsh on our clothes. Factors such as the type of washing machine, washing cycle, detergents, temperature, time, and fabric and yarn construction all play a role in the wear and tear of our garments.

There are two types of domestic washing machines: top-loaders and front-loaders. Top-loaders use mechanical agitation to move clothes around in a large volume of water, while front-loaders rely on gravity and rotation to expose clothes to a smaller volume of water. Top-loaders tend to be more aggressive towards fabrics due to their different mechanical action and larger water volumes.

Choosing the right washing machine program is crucial. Shorter, low-temperature programs are usually sufficient for everyday stains, while longer or high-temperature programs should be reserved for clothing with specific concerns. Each program is carefully designed by manufacturers to minimize damage to garments based on fabric type and cleanliness level.

Certain fabrics are more prone to fiber loss than others. Open fabric structures with loose yarns, such as knits, tend to lose more fibers compared to tighter ones. Sports clothing made of continuous filament yarns are less likely to shed fibers in the wash. Fabrics like cotton and wool have their own unique characteristics that contribute to fiber loss. Cotton fibers, although short, can still escape when tightly twisted together into a yarn. Wool fibers, on the other hand, have scales that make them more delicate and prone to tangling and shrinking when exposed to heat and agitation.

The choice of detergent and other laundry products also matters. Modern detergents are effective at removing stains, so using less is often sufficient. However, using the wrong products or additives like bleach can damage certain fibers like wool and silk. The impact of fabric softeners and other treatments on clothes is still being researched.

To ensure our clothes last longer, the main tip is to wash them less frequently. Carefully reading and following care labels is essential. In the future, washing machines may be able to recognize fabrics and select the appropriate wash cycle, but for now, it is our responsibility to make informed choices.

So, the next time you consider throwing your shirt into the dirty laundry basket, think about the astronauts orbiting above Earth who can go without clean laundry for days. Perhaps we can follow their example and wash our clothes less frequently, although burning dirty undies is not recommended.