
Tech 101: What Exactly is Scrum?

When someone says the word “scrum,” you might think they’re talking about people in rugby jerseys standing in a circle and crashing into each other. But when someone brings up scrum in terms of the workplace, they’re probably referencing Scrum with a capital “S”, which begs the question: what is Scrum? And how can you…

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17 Kickass Women to Inspire You in 2017

Role models and mentors can have a huge impact on our success when making changes. And since the new year is almost here, I’m sure a lot of you are thinking about making some BIG changes in the next 12 months. (Like, maybe learning some fancy new tech skills? Skillcrush’s FREE 10-Day Coding Bootcamp is…

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27 Tools Every New Remote Worker Needs

Confession: I’m a pretty traditional remote worker. That is, while you can find many of my Skillcrush teammates working remotely from exotic locales—ie. a cafe in Venice a la Cristy or from an RV while road tripping a la Randle, I’m sitting here writing this article on my patio in my pajamas, currently glugging down…

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Create the Perfect Portfolio with These 17 Easy Tips

Confession: I’ve had TERRIBLE portfolios. I’m not being falsely modest. When I think back to some of my old portfolios—I realize that there were some real stinkers there. Think obnoxiously bright yellow background with totally unreadable type. Case studies with paragraph after paragraph that really didn’t SAY anything. A vanilla bio that I didn’t spend…

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