
Dashboard Design Best Practices & Tips

Dashboard Design Best Practices & Tips
Business Intelligence

Key takeaways

  • Dashboard design assists designers with creating visual interfaces that benefit users by consolidating relevant data in an intuitive and easily understandable format.
  • Data visualization is a fundamental component in effective dashboard design, and its integration contributes to more efficient data analysis and better decision-making among users.
  • The primary goal of dashboard design is to provide a clear, concise, and visually engaging way to present complex data and information.

In this article…

What is dashboard design?

Dashboard design is a unique process that involves creating visual interfaces that display relevant information and key performance indicators (KPIs) in a consolidated and easily digestible format. 

Dashboards are often used in business intelligence (BI), data analytics, and monitoring systems to provide users with a quick overview of their data. This consolidated format displays actionable objectives and various requests that require user attention. 

The overall process allows these users to make more informed decisions and complete their tasks in a timely manner. Objectives become much clearer within the dashboard layout, and this makes for smoother and more efficient workflows.

Read more: Best Dashboard Software of 2024

What are the best practices associated with dashboard design?

Dashboard design involves creating visual interfaces that display key information and metrics in a clear and organized manner. Following are some best practices associated with dashboard design. 

Keep it simple: Avoid clutter and unnecessary elements. Keep the design clean and simple, and prioritize information to only include relevant data within the dashboard layout.

Prioritize important information: Place critical information prominently on the dashboard. Use visual hierarchy to guide users’ attention to the most important elements.

Regular maintenance and updates: Regularly update the dashboard to reflect changing data and evolving user needs. Address any issues or bugs promptly to maintain the effectiveness of the dashboard.

By following these best practices, designers can create dashboards that effectively communicate information and provide a positive user experience.

Read more: Best Small Business Dashboard Tools

How should you tailor dashboard content to address specific user needs?

Tailoring dashboard content to address specific user needs is a critical aspect of creating a user-centric and effective data visualization tool. To achieve this, designers must first gain a deep understanding of the diverse user roles and their unique goals. Conducting user interviews, surveys, and creating user personas are valuable steps in this process.

Once user roles are identified, the next step is to segment data accordingly. This involves organizing information in a way that aligns with the responsibilities and preferences of different user groups.


Customization features play a pivotal role in addressing specific user needs as well. Designers should allow users to personalize their dashboard layout, selecting widgets and charts that align with their priorities. Customizable dashboards can empower users to create a workspace tailored to their unique requirements, fostering a sense of ownership.

Incorporating filters and drill-down options further refines the user experience. These interactive elements enable users to focus on specific subsets of data and explore details relevant to their tasks. Dynamic data updates ensure that users have access to real-time or near-real-time information, supporting timely decision-making.

What is the relation between dashboard design and data visualization?

Dashboard design and data visualization are closely related concepts, and data visualization is a fundamental component of effective dashboard design.

Data visualization involves representing data in graphical or visual formats, making complex information more accessible and understandable. Dashboards, on the other hand, are comprehensive displays that often leverage data visualization techniques to present key insights and metrics in a consolidated manner.

Dashboards often rely on visual elements to present information in a way that is intuitive, engaging, and informative. The effective integration of data visualization principles within dashboard design contributes to creating powerful tools for data analysis and effective decision-making.

Read more: How to Build a Microsoft Power BI Dashboard

How can dashboards assist with information presentation?

Dashboards play a crucial role in assisting with information presentation by providing a consolidated and visually engaging platform for displaying key data and insights.

Dashboards bring together diverse sets of information into a single, centralized location. This consolidation allows users to access a comprehensive overview of relevant data without the need to navigate through multiple sources.


Leveraging data visualization techniques such as charts, graphs, and maps to represent complex information within dashboards creates visualizations that make it easier for users to interpret data trends and patterns. These visualization techniques facilitate information presentation by allowing users to better communicate their understanding of specific tasks and data sets, which then allows them to effectively present their data, and focus on critical performance areas.

Ultimately, dashboards assist with information presentation by leveraging visualizations, interactivity, customization, and real-time updates to deliver a clear and concise view of key data and insights.

Read more: 10 Examples of Great Sales Dashboards

What are some dashboard design software recommendations?

There are several dashboard design software options available, and each comes with its own set of features and capabilities. The choice of software usually depends on factors such as ease of use, budget, and fulfilling specific requirements. 

Here are some popular dashboard design tools that are currently on the market.


Domo is a cloud-based BI platform that offers a suite of tools for data visualization and dashboard creation. It is known for its user-friendly interface.


Tableau is a widely used data visualization tool that allows users to create interactive and shareable dashboards. It supports various data sources and offers an intuitive user experience.


Looker is a data exploration and BI platform. It allows users to create interactive dashboards and reports while also offering powerful data modeling capabilities.

Microsoft Power BI

Power BI is a business analytics tool by Microsoft. It enables users to create interactive dashboards with real-time data visualization. It also integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Excel and other Microsoft services.

Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio is a free tool for creating interactive dashboards and reports. It integrates with various data sources, including Google Analytics, Google Sheets, and more.

Choosing the right BI dashboard tool

Before choosing a dashboard design tool, it’s essential to consider factors such as the complexity of your data, integration capabilities, collaboration features, and your team’s familiarity with the tool. Many of these tools offer free trials, allowing you to assess their suitability for specific work requirements.

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Featured Partners: Dashboard Software

Zoho Analytics

Zoho Analytics

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Visually analyze your data using dashboards. Create KPI dashboards quick and easy. Select from pre-built themes, or make your own theme. Create multiple tabbed dashboards. Get automatic insights from the dashboards you create on the click of a button. Share the dashboards you create with your colleagues, or embed them in your intranet, website, app, or blog for wider consumption. No limit on the number of dashboards that you can create. Sign up free for Zoho Analytics now!

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About the author


Dashboard design refers to the process of creating visual interfaces that display key information and data in a concise, user-friendly, and easily understandable way.

The primary goal of dashboard design is to present complex data sets in a way that facilitates quick and informed decision-making. Effective dashboards typically include a combination of charts, graphs, tables, and other visual elements to visually convey information.

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