
ChatGPT Parasite AI SEO: How I Ranked #1 & Ranked 5 Times in 48 Hours



How I Ranked #1 & Ranked 5 Times in 48 Hours with ChatGPT SEO:

Here’s How I Ranked #1 for this KEYWORD:

AND Ranked 5 Times in 48 Hours with this FREE ChatGPT 4 SEO workflow.

In 4 simple steps:
1: Create YouTube videos targeting the keyword
2: Create an article with the YouTube video transcripts and Format them nicely and publish
3: Get ChatGPT 4 to publish an article on FREE Parasite SEO platforms like Medium
4: Index the content, interlink it and wait!

And there we go, as simple as that! My favourite SEO Tools?https://juliangoldie.com/bestseotools