
Building a Personal Website


Building a personal website can be fun, useful and even profitable. Read on to learn about the uses of personal websites and why you should get one of your own.

Websites for the common, everyday person are called Personal use websites. These are perhaps the most simple and fun websites on the internet. Since anyone can build one for any reason, they are everywhere. Common uses of personal websites include; hobby websites, family websites, photo sharing websites, blogs (web logs), resume websites, websites for file storage and more. With the free and low-cost hosting options available, there has never been more opportunites for people to ‘get online’.

Hosting a Personal Website
Usually personal websites are less complex than business and non-profit websites so they don’t need complex e-commerce or database software. These sites lend themselves well to free web hosting, meaning the website files can be stored on a web host’s servers for no charge. Often free web hosts have simple online tools called “site builders” or “web templates” which make building a web site quick and easy. A favorite free host for building personal web sites is 20m.com. Using 20m’s site builder users can have a website up and running with message board, email, polls, guestbook, photos, images, etc. in just a few hours. Since there is no charge for this service, free hosts make their money by placing ads on your site to fund their free services. Usually this ad will be a text link, banner ad, or pop-up advertisement.