
Build an Open Mac Alternative! – a Guide for Switching from macOS to elementary OS


Timestamps and links below!
Considering the changes coming to the macOS platform announced at WWDC 2020, I figured it was time to explore what building an open macOS alternative would look like using elementary OS 5.1 as a base. This video explores the strengths of the Mac, how to replicate those strenghs in elementary OS through various tweaks and basic app suggestions to get the best alternative to macOS ready to roll on your system.

0:00 Introduction
2:50 Strengths of the Mac Platform
5:10 Introducing elementary OS
5:58 Strengths of elementary OS
12:25 Tweaking elementary OS
– Play with appearance settings (dock, text size, etc).
– Map CMD+Q to close active window.- Adding Software sources
– Add Flathub to AppCentre (download Spotify from flathub.org)
– Add Snap Store (sudo apt install snapd && snap install snap-store)
– Logout/login
– Desktop folders from AppCenter
– Multitouch gestures through Fusuma: https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/fusuma/0.9.2#example-gesture-mapping-for-elementary-os-

– Cloud storage: pCloud – run at startup
– Beautiful wallpapers: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNNQyeVrqxBdNmBkq9ILswizuj-RYJFNt5GlxJZ90Y6hx0okrVSLKSnmFFbX7j5Mg?key=RV8tSXVJVGdfS1RIQUI0Q3RZZVhlTmw0WmhFZ2V3
24:51 App recommendations
– Browser: Epiphany (Safari); preferred is Firefox or Chrome.
– Email: Simple = Mail (supports Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, iCloud) Evolution if more complex (Exchange, Office 365, corporate).

Add iCloud to IMAP email client: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304
– Calendar: Calendar – https://www.reallinuxuser.com/how-to-sync-elementary-os-calendar-with-multiple-google-calendars/
– Notes: Simplenote (if sync required), Notes Up (replacing Bear) or Joplin for Evernote/OneNote alternative.
– Reminders: Planner (Todoist)
– Maps: GNOME Maps
– AirDrop: Snapdrop.net
– Photos: Photos
– Music: Lollypop/Spotify
– iWork/Office: OnlyOffice
– iMessage: Signal/Telegram Desktop
– Podcasts: Vocal- iBooks: Foliate/Cozy
– Monitor
– Time Machine: Tardis


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