
4 Essential Online Marketing Resources


Smart Passive Income - Tim Ferriss

Figuring out WordPress and getting your website up and running is just the beginning of having a successful site. What happens next is where the real work begins! As a website owner you’ll need to know the fundamentals of online marketing – search engine optimization, conversion optimization and all kinds of other skills to help you generate traffic and business with your site. With Google constantly changing and new developments happening all the time, it’s tough to keep abreast of what’s going on. Here’s a few of my favorite resources for keeping up on online marketing from those who are already finding success. 

Smart Passive Income Podcast & Blog

Smart Passive Income is run by Pat Flynn who, besides being a really successful online marketer, also seems like a genuinely nice guy. His blog and podcast are chockfull of great, actionable information. This space is filled with a lot of shysters but this is one resource I really trust. One of my favorite podcast episodes so far is an interview with Tim Ferriss which has some great tips for improving your effectiveness.
Smart Passive Income Podcast


The Fizzle Show

This is a podcast run by Corbett Barr (of Think Traffic), Chase Reves and Caleb Wojcik. They are an endearing bunch of guys who have a lot to share on running online businesses successfully. Their podcasts are informative and entertaining.
The Fizzle Show Podcast


Conversion XL

This is definitely one of my “desert island” online marketing blogs. Focused on how to make your site convert more the articles are typically in-depth, long and packed with stats and analysis to support the topic. If you were to only keep up with one marketing blog, this one would get you a long way!
Conversion XL Blog


ViperChill Podcast

The ViperChill guys are SEO experts. They publish incredibly long and detailed blog posts about what they’re up to, tactics they’ve tried, experiments they’re running and what’s really working in the world of SEO. I would say it’s for the intermediate website owner and up.
Their new podcast may be easier to digest if you don’t like lengthy reads. They provide a ton of value and insight. If you are relatively new to SEO and online marketing, I’d recommend getting started with Episode 5 “What We Learned From 30 SEO Consultations” which highlights some of the common mistakes people make with their SEO.
ViperChill Podcast

If you have any go-to resources that you think other readers should be aware of, drop a note in the comments!