
34 Email Newsletters To Boost Your Career In Tech


Confession time: I love keeping up with what’s happening in tech, but it seems like every time I start Googling around to find more info on this or that, I end up in a black hole. Six hours later I’ve gone from reading up on the newest WordPress update to being elbow-deep in Ruby on Rails tutorials that have nothing to do with my project.

Google’s great for research. It’s awesome when you need a quick answer to just about any question. But when you’re not sure EXACTLY what you’re looking for, it can quickly get a little too Alice-in-Wonderland.

That’s why email newsletters are my favorite way to stay up-to-date on tech trends and get inspired. Email newsletters aren’t anything new. We’ve written about them before—when Randle Browning showed you the ins and outs of launching your very own.

If starting your own awesome email newsletter sounds like something that’s right up your alley, check out The Ultimate Guide to Launching an Email Newsletter for all the information you need to launch a successful newsletter that will get you clients!

And if you’re like me, you already receive about 12,000 newsletters a day and delete 11,998 of them. But maybe you just need some fresh inspiration.

I mean think about it! With some shiny new newsletters in your inbox, you can get snack-sized information on starting a business, building your career, working in startups, learning to code, being a great designer, making your own gummy bears, and…well…anything.

I’ve gathered up 35 of the best tech and tech-adjacent free newsletters out there (with some help from the Skillcrush team), so you won’t end up joining newsletters just to delete them every time they land in your inbox—these are our favorites!

And when you’re ready to start your own, don’t miss out on our free ebook, The Complete Guide to Launching an Email Newsletter.

1. Startup Stats

Startup Stats will keep you informed on up-and-coming startups and when they start to get traction. It keeps you up to date on which industries and companies are trending and why.

2. Other Valleys

Want to see tech ideas that don’t come from the US, UK, or EU? Surprise! There are tons of other super innovative tech communities around the world, and they have some amazing ideas. Other Valleys will keep you up to date with what’s happening around the world.

3. Benedict Evans

Benedict Evans sends out a newsletter covering tech and mobile every Sunday. Each edition includes news about what’s happening in the tech industry, plus his take on the issues.

4. #Awesomewomen

Want interesting, topical, and provocative stories about women delivered right to your inbox? #Awesomewomen, from Stacy-Marie Ishmael of BuzzFeed, has you covered.

5. Remotive

If you’re a remote worker (or want to be), then Remotive is the newsletter for you. It’s a bimonthly, curated newsletter filled with relevant and interesting links about what it takes to work remotely.

6. Webdesigner Depot’s Newsletter

This one is filled with hot new stuff in design and development, with inspirational resources, tools, and more for web designers, delivered every week. Full disclosure: I write most of this one!

7. The Freelancer by Contently

The Freelancer is a blog run by Contently, and you can sign up for the “best of” delivered to you each week. Most of their articles are geared toward content creators, but some of the knowledge they share would apply to any freelance field.

8. The Fetch

The Fetch is a unique newsletter offering that helps you discover the best professional events in your city, with a heavy focus on tech. There’s also a global reading list you can subscribe to if you’re not in a covered city.

9. The Muse

The Muse is one of the absolute best sites out there if you’re looking for your dream career. They offer career advice, tools for creating better resumes and cover letters, job search tips, and more. They’ve already helped more than 50 million job-seekers in their quest for the perfect career.

10. Austin Kleon

The content of Austin Kleon’s newsletter varies with each edition, but it’s always filled with useful links and information. The basic format is based around ten things he found worth sharing each week, though occasionally he strays from that structure.

11. My Morning Routine

My Morning Routine details the morning routines of all kinds of creatives, entrepreneurs, and techies. It’s a great way to get ideas for how to make your morning better! Awesome people featured have included Rand Fishkin of Moz, UX designer Paula Borowska, and Sara Rosso (the Director of Marketing at Automattic).

12. Ann Friedman Weekly

Ann Friedman is a feminist and freelance writer, and her newsletter covers her own work, the work of others she finds interesting, and other bits of knowledge she wants to share. She also includes awesome pie charts (for paid subscribers), GIFspiration, and endorsements of things she loves.

13. Creative Market Free Goods

Creative Market’s Free Goods newsletter gives away six freebies for designers every week! They include things like stock photos, templates, textures and patterns, fonts, and more. It’s like Black Friday but everything is free and there are zero lines.

14. One Woman Shop

This newsletter is great for solopreneurs and freelancers who are going it alone in business. Part community and part business resource (with articles about marketing, productivity, operations, and more), and filled with kick-ass inspiration.

15. The Purpose Generation

The Purpose Generation is aimed at millennials who are looking to advance their career, regardless of their industry. Their newsletter is filled with stories aimed to inspire you to pursue your dreams.

16. HTML5 Weekly

If you want to keep up to date with what’s happening in the world of HTML5, then this is the newsletter for you! They cover interesting projects, technology, CSS3, canvas, and more.

17. Responsive Design Newsletter

This newsletter covers interesting articles, tools, tips, resources, and inspirational links every week, all related to responsive design.

18. Hacker Newsletter

If you’re into the cutting edge of tech, The Hacker Newsletter is perfect for you. They cover interesting stories on startups, tech, and programming, all curated from the Hacker News website.

19. WPMail.me

WPMail.me is a free newsletter that’s delivered weekly and includes a roundup of relevant WordPress news and articles. They include things like important technical information, lists of inspiring WordPress users, advice on building better products, and other useful info.

20. Ruby Weekly

Ruby Weekly is a once-a-week (delivered on Thursdays) roundup of interesting Ruby news and articles. You get super useful tips and information, plus they send out Ruby-specific job listings from around the US.

21. The Smashing Email Newsletter

This newsletter, from Smashing Magazine, delivers awesome design and development resources right to your email twice a month. And as a bonus, you get a free ebook with some of the best design and dev articles Smashing has to offer when you subscribe!

22. Dev Tips

Dev Tips is a unique and useful newsletter that delivers one dev tip to your inbox every week, in animated GIF form. Easy!

23. CSS Weekly

CSS Weekly is an email roundup of articles, tools, resources, and more, all about CSS. It’s curated by front-end developer Zoran Jambor.

24. Foundcy

Foundcy sends you links to what founders are reading every Tuesday and Friday. It’s a great way to get a varied reading list of high-quality content and stay in the conversation.

25. Sidebar.io

Sidebar.io sends out useful links related to design, development, and tech in general. It’s a great way to find cool new apps, articles, and resources.

26. Think with Google

Think with Google provides data, insights, and inspiration. They send you marketing research, case studies, consumer trends, and other relevant information from Google that will help make you a better digital marketer.

27. Alertbox

The Nielsen Norman Group have been leading the way in online user experience for years. Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox email newsletter provides super valuable information on creating amazing UX with articles on interface usability, web design, and UX research.


28. The Middle Finger Project

The Middle Finger Project is one of the funniest, boldest blogs out there (what else could it be with a title like that?). You can sign up to get access to an exclusive talk from MFP’s founder, Ash Ambirge, as well as emails filled with tons of inspiring, useful, and insightful advice from the blog on everything from running your own business to digital marketing.

29. Copyblogger

Copyblogger is one of the best content marketing blogs out there. You can sign up for their newsletter and get articles as soon as they’re published!

30. Community.is

Community.is offers a weekly, handcrafted newsletter all about what community is, mostly in the context of online communities. Check out their entire newsletter archive for more insight into the content they provide.

31. Sketchplanations

Sketchplanations explains one thing per week, using hand-drawn sketches. Some are tech-related and some aren’t, but they’re all interesting. Visual learners, unite!

32. Think Clearly

Think Clearly is a handwritten newsletter that combines text and drawings to give insight into productivity, optimizing your learning, and much more. Recent editions have included information about how to structure notes and ideas with pen and paper and how to create an awesome newsletter!

33. Femgineer

Femgineer offers up new lessons each week via email, aimed an innovation and inspiration. They’re different from a lot of other newsletters in that they’re written specifically for women learning tech.

34. The UX Notebook

Sarah Doody’s UX Notebook is full of handpicked articles about user experience, along with research, resources, and ideas.

I hope the newsletters above give you tons of useful knowledge, and maybe even inspire you to start your own newsletter! Newsletters can gain you all sorts of new contacts and make you look like a super expert in your field. Find out more about how to start your own awesome email newsletter with The Ultimate Guide to Launching an Email Newsletter.

The post 34 Email Newsletters To Boost Your Career In Tech appeared first on Skillcrush.