
Deep Learning with PyTorch Live Course – ResNet, Regularization and Data Augmentation (Part 5 of 6)

This is a beginner-friendly coding-first online course on PyTorch – one of the most widely used and fastest growing frameworks for machine learning. This video covers the process of applying advanced techniques like residual networks, data augmentation, batch normalization and transfer learning to achieve state of the art results for image classification in a very short time.…
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Keras with TensorFlow Course – Python Deep Learning and Neural Networks for Beginners Tutorial

This course will teach you how to use Keras, a neural network API written in Python and integrated with TensorFlow. We will learn how to prepare and process data for artificial neural networks, build and train artificial neural networks from scratch, build and train convolutional neural networks (CNNs), implement fine-tuning and transfer learning, and more!…
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