
11 Ways to Integrate and Embed YouTube in WordPress


This is all the more powerful when you combine YouTube and WordPress together. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. Thousands, and even millions, of people can watch your video. WordPress is the largest content management system on the planet. Together these two tools can revolutionize your online marketing strategy.

To do this, we need to understand how to integrate them together.

Fortunately, WordPress has a number of plugins that will help you easily merge the two services together.

Integrate and Embed YouTube in WordPress

Check out these 11 tools for different ways to integrate and embed YouTube in WordPress.

1. Cool Video Gallery

This cool plugin (pun intended) allows you to create video galleries that display multiple videos on one page. With Cool Video Gallery, you can upload your own videos as well as embed videos from other sites.

2. oEmbed in Comments

Do you want your blog’s comment sections to be truly interactive? Then allow your visitors to post video comments. This is now possible with oEmbed in Comments. So many readers ignore text comments nowadays. Keep people on your site with video comments from other visitors.

3. YouTube Embed Plus

While you can easily copy an embed code from YouTube, you will have YouTube’s logo and control system dominating the video. This plugin helps you remove the control panel, hide the YouTube logo, auto start the video, and hide related videos at the end of the video.

This is not always necessary for simple blog posts, where showing a YouTube video makes it more likely for readers to check out the video. However, on sales and squeeze pages, these features are a godsend.

The plugin comes in a free and pro version. However, unless you need serious video SEO and analytics support, the free version should be enough for most bloggers.

4. YouTube White Label Shortcode

Another option is to use the White Label Shortcode tool from YouTube. It provides you with a white label version of the YouTube video Shortcode to use on your site.

This is a stripped down version of YouTube Embed Plus. However, it is equally as powerful for your YouTube videos.

The benefit of having a white label video is that people do not get distracted by the YouTube information and branding. Instead, you get to use the video on your website, promoting your own brand, while using YouTube to host the video.

5. Hybrid-Connect

Videos are a great tool for blog posts and sales pages. However, if you really want your videos to stand out, you might consider using them in light box pop ups. While pop ups have been given a bad name over the years (somewhat deservedly), with the new generation of video pop ups, you can now provide quality information and get people to sign up to your list.

Hybrid-Connect is a premium plugin that helps you achieve this goal.

Now, instead of annoying the bejeezers out of people, you provide them with your highest value video right out of the gate. Moreover, when they want more information, they can opt-in to your list to learn more about the subject.

One last note about this plugin is that it is responsive and mobile friendly.

6. Video Zoom

Next, if you want to incorporate videos in every aspect of your business then you should consider branding your videos with a great video theme. This video friendly theme works great with YouTube, Vimeo, and JW Player videos.

One of the cool things about this theme is that you can create a video slider filled with your favorite videos. It allows you to show off your best content all in one place. A bit like putting your best foot forward, start can greet your audience with the most engaging video content.

7. Responsive Video Blog

Do you have a video blog with a huge mobile audience? Then you need a responsive video theme to handle traffic from tablets, mobile devices, and computers.

8. Audio Tube

Have you ever wanted to share a video without the images? If your audience prefers podcasts to video this is a great video to audio tool.

The one caveat here is that if you want to submit your content to podcasting sites like iTunes and Stitcher you might want to look at alternatives like ListenToYouTube.Com.

9. YouTube to WP Post

Syndicate your WordPress blog with this plugin. Once you create a YouTube video, this plugin takes the YouTube URL and transforms the video into a blog post with the title, description, and even relevant tags filled out for you. This plugin is a great tool for video bloggers who want some additional exposure for their videos.

10. Featured Video Plus

Often the posts featured image is a teaser for the blog post or page you want the user to click. Remove all reader doubts with feature videos that explain what your page is about, and how it can help people.

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11. All Video Gallery Plugin for WordPress

While similar to the Cool Video Gallery, this plugin has two distinctive features.

First, you can use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to upload photos to this gallery. Amazon Cloud Front users will especially enjoy this feature. CDNs are great for saving on bandwidth and hosting costs especially where large images and videos are concerned.

Second, this gallery has built in social sharing features, so your viewers can share the post on Facebook and Twitter. Social media plus video is always a good thing.

Not the Cools Video Tools, but the Person behind It

YouTube plugins for WordPress are great. They help you add videos with ease allowing your readers to watch them on your blog posts, opt-in forms, and galleries.

However, it is your responsibility to create engaging and informative content. Otherwise, your visitors will not return. No plugin in the world can bring conversions to a boring video. Make yours exciting and educational and then the WordPress YouTube plugins will be the icing on the cake.

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