
Snaps: How we got here

I’m celebrating nine years at Canonical, and coming up on 15 years since I started contributing to Ubuntu in the community. It’s been quite the ride, helping build, support and advocate for the most popular Linux desktop, and most used Linux distribution in the cloud. Over those years, we’ve strived to make it easy for…

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Embedded Linux for Teams

A Linux kernel for each developer team, which uses it to bring up target boards. Bespoke, built, issued, and maintained over years by the vendor. Teams that focus on building great apps, rather than figuring out hardware dependencies. Happy developers that bootstrap smart devices in no time. This is what highly productive embedded systems development…

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Edge-native Linux

Tech innovators use Linux to create intelligent devices for homes, factories, buildings, cities or vehicles etc… These things are deployed at the edge, in privacy sensitive or business critical environments. They require ever more compute to run ever smarter applications. A Linux distribution engineered for embedded devices running highly intelligent applications at edge scale is…

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How Kubernetes is transforming the industrial edge

According to leading independent researchers teknowlogy | PAC, open source platforms – and Kubernetes in particular – are central to the future of digital factories.  The PAC RADAR report offers a detailed market analysis of industrial digitalisation trends, and it predicts that Kubernetes-based platforms that bring together edge and cloud technologies will soon dominate the…

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