Senate Leaders Plan to Prolong NSA Surveillance Using a Must-Pass Bill

Senate Leaders Plan to Prolong NSA Surveillance Using a Must-Pass Bill

Leaders in the United States Senate have been discussing plans to extend Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) beyond its December 31 deadline by amending a must-pass legislation this month. A senior congressional aide tells WIRED that leadership offices and judiciary sources have both disclosed that discussions are underway about saving the…

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What Are Your Blogging Goals for 2016?

You may not bother with resolutions for the new year, but setting goals for your blog helps you to (re)focus and shape your online home. We asked a diverse mix of bloggers: What’s the most important goal you have for your site in 2016? Lisa Jakub Lisa Jakub, Read moreHow To Create a Multilingual Online…

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