
May 2020 Summit –

It’s been a while since the freeCodeCamp community has held a big Summit live stream. Now with the coronavirus pandemic, we need social interaction more than ever. Our community has been hard at work on a number of major improvements to the freeCodeCamp curriculum. We’ve been publishing a ton of free courses on YouTube. And…

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10 Programming Habits Developers Should Adopt

These outcomes can bring down our confidence but in fact, they can be solved with proper development practices. Here are 10 worthy habits to invest in to write cleaner and smarter code with less effort. Let’s start developing these habits now! Learning Programming: 10 Misconceptions That Are Not True .no-js #ref-block-post-18138 .ref-block__thumbnail { background-image: url(“×160/programming-myth.jpg”);…

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5 tips for writing readable blog posts

Reading from a screen can be difficult, so if you want people to read your whole blog post, it must be easy to read. This will get you more returning visitors and a higher conversion rate. Luckily, improving the readability of your content is something you can do relatively easily, to give your site a…

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Yii2 PHP Framework – Full Course (Build a YouTube Clone)

Yii is a fast, secure, and efficient PHP framework used to create all kinds of web apps. Learn how to use Yii2 in this full tutorial for beginners by building a YouTube clone. ?This course was developed by Zura Sekhniashvili. Check out his YouTube channel: ?Code: Read moreWhat is the difference between shared…

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Distributed FAQ: How to Transition to Remote Work

Distributed FAQ: How to Transition to Remote Work

In Distributed FAQ, Matt Mullenweg addresses some of the most common issues companies, executives, and individuals face as they consider transitioning to a distributed model. Q. With the rapid rise of distributed work, what are your top pieces of advice for someone going through the transition from a traditional work environment to a remote one? A:…

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WordPress security in a few easy steps

If you’re working with or using WordPress, then you should always think about your site’s security. WordPress isn’t any more or less secure than any other platform, but the number of users, plugins and third party add-ons make it a common target for attackers. Don’t worry though, there are some basic steps you can take…

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How to Create a Custom WordPress Theme – Full Course

Learn how to create a custom WordPress theme. You will learn a process that you can use to convert any HTML/CSS template into a WordPress theme. ? HTML/CSS template: ? Course from Andrew Wilson. Check out his YouTube channel: Read moreWhat is the difference between shared & dedicated hosting??? Course Contents ?? ??…

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