
Godot Game Development – Crash Course for Beginners

Learn how to use the Godot game engine to create your own platformer game. Throughout the course, you’ll learn everything from setting up your first 2D scene and animating the player, to designing enemies, incorporating UI elements, and implementing game-saving features. ?? Course created by @NULLGameDev ? Code: https://github.com/GDSimplified/Platformer-game ? Assets: https://ansimuz.itch.io/sunny-land-pixel-game-art Read moreWhat is…

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Build Your Own Distro With Archiso

Archiso is a highly-customizable tool for building Arch Linux live CD/USB ISO images. The official Arch images are built with Archiso. But, it can be used to create your own customized Arch ISO for personal use, or for potentially building your own Arch-based distro. REFERENCED: ? https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Archiso WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL? ? Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/distrotube…

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A HUGE Percentage Of The Arch Repos Was Packaged By One Man!

Recently, I couldn’t help but notice that a VERY large percentage of packages for Arch Linux are packaged by the same man. In fact, if you run Arch or an Arch-based distro, chances are that a huge percentage of your installed programs where packaged by this fellow… REFERENCED: ? https://archlinux.org/packages/?packager=felixonmars ? https://github.com/felixonmars WANT TO SUPPORT…

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Build a LinkedIn Clone with React and Firebase – Tutorial

Learn how to create a LinkedIn Clone using React and Firebase in this full course for beginners. ?? Course created by @CybernaticoByNishant ? Code: https://github.com/nishant-666/Linkedin-clone-using-React-and-Firebase-9 Read moreWhat is the difference between shared & dedicated hosting??? Contents ?? ?? (0:00:00) Introduction ?? (0:08:51) The Base Setup ?? (0:40:08) Log in and Sign Up Page ?? (1:41:02)…

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Firebase Tutorial for Beginners – Build a Mobile App with HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Learn how to build a Mobile App with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Google Firebase. Go here to try the interactive browser-version: https://scrimba.com/learn/firebase ?? This course was created by Rafid Hoda, a teacher at Scrimba. You can follow Rafid on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/rafidhoda We recommend that you learn basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before taking this…

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Peropesis is a Linux Distro for Living in the Command Line

Peropesis is a small-scale, minimalist, command-line-based Linux operating system. It’s an incomplete system, but it’s constantly being improved. The Peropesis project includes the operating system itself and this website, that contains all the necessary information about this operating system. REFERENCED: ? https://peropesis.org/ WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL? ? Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/distrotube ? Paypal: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_banner&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazNocEhiaGFBT1l1MnRHbnlIcHFKbXJWVnpQd3xBQ3Jtc0tsLVZJc19YeFlwZ2JqbXVOa3g0Skw4TVhTV2otNm1tM3A1bUNnamh3S2V6OGQtLTBnSjBxYTlvUXMxeEVIS3o4US10NENHMUQ3STk2a01FOFBhUnZjZFctMEhFUTg1TVctQmFfVUdxZXJ4TDl0azlYNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paypal.com%2Fcgi-bin%2Fwebscr%3Fcmd%3D_donations%26business%3Dderek%2540distrotube%252ecom%26lc%3DUS%26item_name%3DDistroTube%26no_note%3D0%26currency_code%3DUSD%26bn%3DPP%252dDonationsBF%253abtn_donateCC_LG%252egif%253aNonHostedGuest ?? Amazon:…

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