They Sell Your Data to EVERYONE

They Sell Your Data to EVERYONE

Data brokers know a lot about us. They silently harvest any information they can find, by purchasing information, using trackers, scraping social media, ingesting data breaches.They compile this information into databases, and sell access so that others can sift through the most private and sensitive areas of our lives. In this video we pull back…

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Evolution of Top Database Schema Change Tools - DZone

Evolution of Top Database Schema Change Tools – DZone

Database schema migration may be the riskiest area in application development – it’s tough, risky, and painful. Database schema migration tools exist to alleviate pain and have come a long way: from the basic CLI tools to GUI tools, from simple SQL GUI clients to the all-in-one collaboration database platform. Command-Line Clients (CLI) – MySQL…

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Snowflake Workload Optimization - DZone

Snowflake Workload Optimization – DZone

In the era of big data, efficient data management and query performance are critical for organizations that want to get the best operational performance from their data investments. Snowflake, a cloud-based data platform, has gained immense popularity for providing enterprises with an efficient way of handling big data tables and reducing complexity in data environments….

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Log Analysis: Elasticsearch vs. Apache Doris - DZone

Log Analysis: Elasticsearch vs. Apache Doris – DZone

As a major part of a company’s data asset, logs bring value to businesses in three aspects: system observability, cyber security, and data analysis. They are your first resort for troubleshooting, your reference for improving system security, and your data mine, where you can extract information that points to business growth. Logs are the sequential…

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Revolutionizing AI: Unveiling the Power of WatsonX - DZone

Revolutionizing AI: Unveiling the Power of WatsonX – DZone

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, a new player has emerged to redefine the boundaries of what’s possible. Enter WatsonX, a groundbreaking technology that promises to revolutionize the AI landscape. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the intricacies of WatsonX, explore captivating examples, and unveil the potential use cases that can truly…

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8 Ways to Improve Application Performance - DZone

8 Ways to Improve Application Performance – DZone

Application performance is critical for delivering a fast and responsive user experience. Slow performance, or high latency, can lead to frustrated users and lost revenue for the organization. From a high level, application latency refers to the delay between the user’s request and the application’s response. Latency can not only impact the overall user experience…

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How to Create Customer Resource Definitions in Kubernetes - DZone

How to Create Customer Resource Definitions in Kubernetes – DZone

Kubernetes is a popular open-source platform used for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It provides a powerful API for managing resources, but sometimes its built-in resources are not sufficient for your use case. That’s where Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) come in. CRDs allow you to define your own custom resources,…

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Demystifying Kuma Service Mesh - DZone

Demystifying Kuma Service Mesh – DZone

Service mesh emerged as a response to the growing popularity of cloud-native environments, microservices architecture, and Kubernetes. It has its roots in the three-tiered model of application architecture. While Kubernetes helped resolve deployment challenges, the communication between microservices remained a source of unreliability. Under a heavy load, the application could break if the traffic routing,…

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Banks Are SELLING Your Financial Data!

Banks Are SELLING Your Financial Data!

Financial privacy is essential for a free society, because it allows us to support causes we believe in without fear of retribution, to flee dangerous situations without being tracked, to live our daily lives without feeling like every choice we make is on display and needs to be self-censored. How can we have a truly…

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5 Strategies for Strengthening MQTT Infrastructure Security - DZone

5 Strategies for Strengthening MQTT Infrastructure Security – DZone

Our previous articles of this series explored various methods to safeguard IoT devices from cyberattacks, including encryption, authentication, and security protocols. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that regular updates and maintenance are equally vital to ensure the ongoing security of IoT devices. Moreover, with the increasing migration of systems and services to the cloud,…

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Introduction to Software Testing of Home/Industry Robots - DZone

Introduction to Software Testing of Home/Industry Robots – DZone

In this article, I aim to debunk how to approach the testing of robotics software. Robotics involves intricate microprocessors, embedded systems, and diverse software stacks. Software quality engineers play a crucial role in testing these intricate software components to ensure seamless functionality and performance. I will explore the different software stacks utilized in robotics and shed…

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