
Web Monkey


How to Add Referrer-Policy and X-Frame-Options in Zenphoto

After installing the Zenphoto image gallery content management system (CMS), available in Softaculous, there are multiple ways to easily improve website security: Force HTTPS (SSL certificate) Enforce minimum password strength Data privacy settings for GDPR and CCPA compliance But as stated in our Web Hosting New Year’s Resolutions for 2020 blog earlier this year, there are multiple ways to improve website security regardless of your type of website or server hosting plan.…
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The WIRED Guide to Climate Change

The WIRED Guide to Climate Change

The world is busted. For decades, scientists have carefully accumulated data that confirms what we hoped wasn’t true: The greenhouse gas emissions that have steadily spewed from cars and planes and factories, the technologies that powered a massive period of economic growth, came at an enormous cost to the planet’s health.…
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