
9 Reasons Why Hootsuite Is The Best Twitter Tool

I continue to recommend Hootsuite as the go-to Twitter application. With more features and a better interface than Tweetdeck, and more features always being added, Hootsuite will make managing your social media much easier. Here’s a few of my favorite Hootsuite features.


Not only can you track clicks on your links by using the Ow.ly link shortener built in to Hootsuite, but in a recent update, Hootsuite also added the ability to tag your links with Google Analytics codes so that those clicks can be integrated into your Google Analytics reporting. Brilliant.

Custom columns for everything!
The columns layout of Hootsuite is extremely flexible and allows you to track a all sorts of information which is always at your fingertips and always updated. Create columns for your Twitter Lists, to track keyword searches, people you especially want to keep tabs on etc.

Mange multiple accounts
You can manage multiple social media and Twitter accounts through one Hootsuite login which makes keeping on top of everything so much easier.
You can also add other users as Admins or Editors of an account so that multiple people can help you manage the accounts you specify.

Tweet scheduling
This is probably one of the original Hootsuite features that set them apart. Ever wondered how some people just seem to be on Twitter ALL THE TIME….well they really might have the luxury of that much time to kill, or they could just be scheduling their tweets using this feature. A real godsend!

Automate Tweeting your blog posts
Using Hootsuite’s RSS feature you can automate updates whenever you post to your blog. Much better than using Twitterfeed’s glitchy service.

Update other social networks
Using Hootsuite you can also update your Facebook Pages and Profiles and LinkedIn. Hootsuite also connects with Ping.fm extending your reach even further. WordPress.com and Myspace features are available in Beta.

Mobile Apps
iPhone users have enjoyed the luxury of Hootsuite’s iPhone app for a while. The Android app was just recently introduced as well. Still waiting on the Blackberry app though.

Easy tweeting with the Hootlet
Drag the hootlet to your browser bookmark bar and easily tweet out link to the page your on. Click the hootlet and a mini- Hootsuite window pops up. It’s the little things that make your life easier…

Upload pictures and files
Another recent update from Hootsuite means that you can upload files and pictures as you tweet with their new in-built functionality.

Time management is a huge factor in the success (or otherwise) of your social media marketing. As Hootsuite continues to add new features you can increasingly centralize your social media activity and do more and more with one Hootsuite account. More info on Hootsuite’s bells n’ whistles here, and at their blog.

What Twitter tool or other social media tools do you use, and why?

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