4 WordPress Podcasts To Help You Sharpen Your Skills


WordPress Podcasts

Seems like podcasts, especially of the video variety, are having revival at the moment. Here’s a few WordPress-related ones worth checking out. They are all feature some very smart developers and other members of the WordPress community so it’s a great way to learn about best practices and generally what the latest trends are within the community.

WP Watercooler

This weekly WordPress-centric Google Hangout is the brainchild of my friend and WP multimedia expert Jason Tucker. Every Monday at 11am PST, up to 10 WordPress developers, designers and consultants gather on Google Hangout to discuss a WordPress topic. Sometimes they even stay on topic 😉 Hilarity and wisdom ensue.The hangout is streamed to YouTube so you can watch live or catch the archived episodes on WPWatercooler.com. If you prefer audio you can subscribe to the audio-only version via iTunes and Stitcher.

The DradCast

The sexiest duo since Brangelina, Dre Armeda (of Sucuri.net) teams up with Brad Williams (of WebDevStudios.com) for this weekly show which features the fellas choppin’ it up with a guest host each week. These guys have WP clout (that’s ACTUAL real life clout, not that fake Klout stuff), so guests have included Matt Mullenweg himself (co-founder of WordPress) , Chris Lema, Adii Pienaar of WooThemes and more. The show is usually an hour + long so they really get deep into topics.


Matt Medeiros focuses on the business side of WordPress for this podcast where he interviews WordPressin’ entrepeneurs. A great podcast for freelancers to follow. Guests have included Thomas Griffin, the guy who created one of the best slider plugins around -Soliloquy and many other interesting characters.


Dustin Hartzler is a WordPress developer who shares his knowledge on this great podcast. You always learn something new here. Definitely recommended if you’re interested in development or simply going beyond the basics.


If you have a fave WordPress podcast not listed here, please share in the comments!

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