They Sell Your Data to EVERYONE

They Sell Your Data to EVERYONE

Data brokers know a lot about us. They silently harvest any information they can find, by purchasing information, using trackers, scraping social media, ingesting data breaches.They compile this information into databases, and sell access so that others can sift through the most private and sensitive areas of our lives. In this video we pull back…

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How to Use the Liquify Tool in Photoshop #shorts

Learn how to create a cool experimental effect using the Liquify Tool in Photoshop. ? Download unlimited photos, fonts, and templates with Envato Elements: Assets Used in This Video: • Two Ancient Busts: • Lo-Fi Music: Read more on How to Use the Liquify Tool in Photoshop on Envato Tuts+:–cms-37597?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_S0w-WqLemWo&utm_medium=referral& Read moreHow…

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Barbie Pink! | Everything You Wanted to Know About The Color ‘Barbie Pink’ in 60 Seconds! #shorts

Discover the story behind the color “Barbie pink” and how closely it’s guarded by Mattel, the company behind the Barbie brand. Can a color be owned or trademarked? Watch the video to find out. ? Download unlimited photos, fonts, and templates with Envato Elements: Read more on What Font Is the Barbie Logo? on…

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How the iPod Made Apple Relevant Again

How the iPod Made Apple Relevant Again

The iPod marked a change for Apple. It was the product that transformed it from the floundering tech company into the trendy giant it is today. But this story behind it’s creation is filled with a mix of pressure, personal loss, luck and talent. Kane Kramer: Read moreInstalling and Configuring your OnApp CloudOutro track:…

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Evolution of Top Database Schema Change Tools - DZone

Evolution of Top Database Schema Change Tools – DZone

Database schema migration may be the riskiest area in application development – it’s tough, risky, and painful. Database schema migration tools exist to alleviate pain and have come a long way: from the basic CLI tools to GUI tools, from simple SQL GUI clients to the all-in-one collaboration database platform. Command-Line Clients (CLI) – MySQL…

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New AI Video Generator Does Prompt to YouTube Video

New AI Video Generator Does Prompt to YouTube Video

A brand new prompt to YouTube video AI tool. This ai video generator takes a short text prompt and turns it into a fully edited faceless YouTube video with a voiceover, text, transitions, and music.

? Try Invideo AI out for free:

0:00 Intro
0:25 Prompt to video
2:19 Video result
2:46 Edit media and script
3:29 Edit with conversation
4:15 Regenerate
5:00 Beta feature
5:38 Uses

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7 Practical Tips for Using Colors in Web Design

7 Practical Tips for Using Colors in Web Design

Colors are crucial in web design, impacting how users feel, where they look, and how they remember a brand. Picking the right colors isn’t just about looks—it makes the website easier to use and more appealing. In fact, colors really affect how people experience a website, shaping their feelings and actions; they’re also a big…

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3 Ways Bare Metal Servers Improve Security

In an era dominated by digitization and interconnectedness, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. Organizations of all sizes are under constant threat from cyberattacks, data breaches, and other security vulnerabilities. As a response to these challenges, the concept of bare metal servers has gained prominence as a way to bolster security measures. In this…

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Things to Consider When Scaling Analytics for High QPS - DZone

Weekly News for Designers ? 709

The Ideal Viewport Doesn’t Exist – So, how fragmented are viewport sizes? On-Scroll Column & Row Animations – Get some inspiration for scroll-driven animations on column and row items. Read moreHow To Choose A WordPress Theme – Free, Paid or Custom?How Online Privacy Is Impacting Web Designers – Privacy concerns are making it harder to…

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