18 AI Tools for Your Marketing Agency to Try in 2024 | WordStream

18 AI Tools for Your Marketing Agency to Try in 2024 | WordStream

Efficiency is the key to running a profitable marketing agency. AI tools for marketing agencies help increase efficiency while maintaining—or increasing—the quantity and quality of work your team produces.

Those are all great outcomes. But with new AI tools sprouting like weeds, where do you start?

Here, you’ll find a brief overview of what AI tools can do for your marketing agency and a list of 18 AI tools to try. We’ve grouped the list by use case, so you can start with the ones that’ll have the greatest impact.

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What are the benefits of an AI tool for your marketing agency?

Every marketing agency can use AI to its advantage. Here are a few ways it can help yours.

Brainstorm ideas

AI writing tools and search engines can spark new ideas for your marketing content and campaigns.

Prompt an AI tool with questions like, “What are 20 B2B pain points companies face in the [input] industry?”. Or try, “Give me 50 campaign ideas to attract new customers in the [input] industry.”

While you have to verify accuracy and weigh different ideas, it’s a great starting point to get in a creative flow.

AI tools for marketing agency: Screenshot of a prompt and response from ChatGPT.

AI tools for marketing agency: Screenshot of a prompt and response from ChatGPT.

In this example, I type a question into ChatGPT, and it gives me 20 blog topic ideas to help brainstorm future articles.

Automate repetitive tasks

AI marketing agency tools help reduce predictable tasks. Whether hitting publish or transferring an inbound marketing piece to WordPress, you can save hours with efficient automation.

You can save precious hours you would have spent doing grunt work and instead use them to strengthen your marketing strategy and produce more materials.

Reach new markets

AI platforms can identify audience segments you hadn’t thought of before. You can also reach more markets by automating your process and easily repurposing different content mediums for new platforms.

Many opportunities exist to reach new markets with impressive research and content creation tools.

Reduce avoidable human error

Using the power of machine learning and AI, marketing AI tools can identify and correct errors before your clients see them.

A tool like Grammarly, for example, can correct grammar and spelling errors and improve phrasing automatically. AI is a great option that helps the marketing team be more productive while avoiding common issues.

Save on costs

Whether you need to save on production value with videos or crank out first drafts of social media content, there are plenty of areas where you can save time, labor, and money on daily marketing tasks.

That gives you and your team more time and energy to focus on the most essential, important tasks.

Now that we know the benefits of AI marketing agency tools, let’s review some of the best ones.

? Want more? Get your free guide to AI in marketing and see how you should and shouldn’t use this revolutionary technology.

Top AI tools for your marketing agency

Most AI marketing tools are built for a specific purpose, like writing new copy or automating a workflow. That’s how we’ve categorized this list, based on the primary challenge each tool tackles.

AI tools for content creation

AI copywriting tools have received the most spotlight in recent years. That’s helped fuel the creation of innovative generative AI tools with a growing list of useful features.

Since content isn’t all copy, we’ve included platforms that help you create and edit video and image assets, too.

1. ChatGPT

ChatGPT-3.5 and ChatGPT-4 (Open AI continues to create new versions) have led the AI writing craze by offering one of the most accessible copywriting tools.

AI tools for marketing agency - ChatGPT homescreen.

AI tools for marketing agency - ChatGPT homescreen.


The platform is excellent for brainstorming. If you’re working on an email newsletter, social media campaign, or blog article, you can ask for ideas, outlines, lists, and many other starter materials to help you save time.

Some marketing agencies use it for content development, though there are risks in trusting its accuracy. Plus, the output often feels “AI-written.” But it’s a great trusty sidekick to get projects started and boost your marketing efforts.

Pricing: ChatGPT-3.5 is free to use, ChatGPT-4 starts at $20 per month.

2. Jasper

Jasper is another great AI writing solution built for teams and creative workflows.

AI tools for marketing agency - Jasper homescreen.

AI tools for marketing agency - Jasper homescreen.


You can efficiently work with the platform for quick project creation and execution. The tool offers prompts and automates the “human” part of AI writing by incorporating your brand voice.

The tool also helps you write more factually (compared to ChatGPT) and on-brand.

Pricing: Plans start at $59 a month (billed annually).

3. Copy.ai

An alternative to Jasper, Copy.ai helps marketing teams automate blog briefs, create copy (like scraping URLs for AI ad copy), and accelerate other writing tasks.

AI tools for marketing agency - Copy.ai homescreen.

AI tools for marketing agency - Copy.ai homescreen.


Copy.ai has many prompts and tools to help guide your writing queries for better results.

Pricing: Copy.ai is free to use with limited words. Upgrade to unlimited words for $36 monthly (annual plan).

4. Typeframes

This clever AI tool creates videos in just a few minutes. If you want to advertise a new product or create buzz for an event, Typeframes is the platform for you.

AI tools for marketing agency - Typeframes homescreen.

AI tools for marketing agency - Typeframes homescreen.


Easily type a few words, and the tool automatically makes a video. You can add music, animations, images, and other effects. It’s a great way to ship new ideas and campaigns with a fraction of the time and money you’ve spent in the past.

Pricing: Typeframes starts at $24 monthly (on the annual plan).

5. Midjourney

Midjourney is designed to make image creation easy.

AI tools for marketing agency - Midjourney homescreen.

AI tools for marketing agency - Midjourney homescreen.


Using Midjourney, marketing agencies can make stunning, cinematic-style artwork that looks detailed and eye-catching. You can generate any style image in seconds. Whether it’s a realistic photo of customers enjoying your client’s offering with emotional benefits, a painting, or cartoon-style artwork, Midjourney will spin it up with a couple of prompts.

Midjourney can help save on specific stock photo needs or even give your design team a head start on a campaign.

Pricing: The platform starts at $8 monthly (billed annually).

6. Grammarly

Grammarly is an editing tool that spots and corrects your grammar and spelling errors. And its AI additions help you create content, too.

AI tools for marketing agency - Grammarly home screen.

AI tools for marketing agency - Grammarly home screen.


Use Grammarly to find awkward phrasings and passive sentences. It’ll also help you reword copy for a better read. The addition of generative AI gives Grammarly the power to suggest new ways to write existing text or help you start writing something completely new.

The platform is a must, and it will save you lots of time (and embarrassing moments like that one time you spelled “expresso” instead of “espresso”).

Pricing: Grammarly is free to use (with upgraded plans available).

AI tools for social media management

Social media is one of the fastest-moving components of marketing. Your clients need you to publish often, engage with their followers, and listen for trends and consumer needs. It’s not an easy job, so AI tools are pivotal to helping automatize and strengthen your agency’s strategy.

These tools automate repetitive social media marketing tasks so you can achieve greater returns for your clients.

7. FeedHive

FeedHive started as a scheduling and publication tool, but has since invested in powerful AI features to make social media content creation better and easier.

AI tools for marketing agency -FeeHive home screen.

AI tools for marketing agency -FeeHive home screen.


Now the platform helps you create new posts and get them published faster.

FeedHive’s AI collects analytics so you can get more information on your results. The platform also provides an AI chat assistant built on GPT technology. It helps with social media performance predictions and suggestions (like suggesting the best time to post).

Pricing: FeedHive offers an agency plan for multiple clients at $239 a month (billed annually).

8. Hootsuite OwlyWriter AI

Hootsuite is an early entrant in the social media management space, and it’s recently evolved to add AI capabilities.

AI tools for marketing agency - OwlyWriter AI home screen.

AI tools for marketing agency - OwlyWriter AI home screen.


For example, Hootsuite’s OwlyWriter AI is designed to quickly create captions and generate post ideas for all your accounts and segments. It’s a great way to utilize Hootsuite’s winning social media technology with a built-in writer—all in one place.

Pricing: OwlyWriter AI is free for a limited time to Hootsuite users.

9. Lately.ai

Lately.ai creates social media posts from your existing content.

AI tools for marketing agency - Lately.ai home screen.

AI tools for marketing agency - Lately.ai home screen.


It’s hard to develop great social media content consistently. But what if I were to say you and your clients already have hundreds of social media posts hiding in the middle of all the other content you’ve created?

Lately.ai pulls all that dormant content from existing web pages, articles, documents, and ebooks. Then it uses AI to turn long-form assets into social media copy so you can publish more relevant and valuable posts with less effort.

Pricing: Lately.ai offers plans based on your number of social channels, with its first package starting at $49 monthly.

AI tools for automation

One of the best use cases for AI is streamlining operational tasks. Below are a few great platforms to improve key parts of your process.

10. Wordable

Transferring content from Google Docs to a CMS like WordPress can take thousands of hours and dollars. Between formatting posts and optimizing them for SEO, publishing content is a huge time sink. Wordable does it in one click.

AI tools for marketing agency - Wordable home screen.

AI tools for marketing agency - Wordable home screen.


The platform takes your Google Docs to WordPress, HubSpot, and Medium. It retains your format, headers, and HTML elements. The app saves you time, so you can focus on publishing more content.

Pricing: Wordable offers a limited plan for free. The paid plan is $50 a month.

11. Zapier

Zapier is a no-code solution that automates almost any repetitive task.

AI tools for marketing agency - Zapier home screen.

AI tools for marketing agency - Zapier home screen.


It works by connecting different platforms with APIs so they work together. If you start a new Word doc for each client project, then create an event in Asana, and generate a bill in an accounting tool, Zapier will link those platforms so it all happens as soon as you create the Word doc.

It’s a great platform for building your own AI solution as you face many predictable actions in your marketing agency.

Pricing: Zapier has a limited free plan with the option to upgrade, starting at $19.99 monthly (billed annually).

12. Taskade AI

If you need a great marketing project management tool, this might be for you. Taskade AI generates task lists and mind maps. It also helps you set up agendas and workflows—all with AI.

AI tools for marketing agency - Taskade home screen.

AI tools for marketing agency - Taskade home screen.


You can collaborate in your workplace and even utilize in-app AI assistance. It’s project management and strategy empowered by AI technology.

Pricing: The platform starts at $19 monthly (billed annually).

AI tools for chatbots

If you’re looking for a way to connect with clients on your agency website or onboard them for your app or portal, these AI solutions will help.

13. Drift

The Drift app is great for communicating with your clients and prospects 24/7. The B2B chatbot uses Drift technology called Conversational AI, which automates conversations.

AI tools for marketing agency - Drift home screen.

AI tools for marketing agency - Drift home screen.


The platform is designed to improve your sales pipeline to get more clients. The one downside is that it can be costly, but if it benefits your clients directly (or your agency), the revenue it generates might be worth it.

Pricing: Drift starts at $2,500 monthly.

14. HelpHub by CommandBar

HelpHub is another AI chat solution that learns from your resources, marketing website, content, and more to answer visitor queries on your agency website.

AI tools for marketing agency - HelpHub home screen.

AI tools for marketing agency - HelpHub home screen.


You can equip your clients and prospects with 24/7 assistance powered by AI technology and trained by your documentation.

Pricing: The starter plan is $249 monthly.

15. Perplexity

The Perplexity AI search platform is handy for content marketing research. You can get it as a browser extension and ask questions as you work on a piece.

AI tools for marketing agency - perplexity home screen.

AI tools for marketing agency - perplexity home screen.


The bot answers you with multiple citations so you can verify the information, dig deeper, and link to sources if necessary (that’s a big win for AI writing!).

The app offers unique answers and resources that help you save time and escape a jam.

Price: Perplexity is free to use. Users can also upgrade to the Pro plan at $20 a month.

AI tools for SEO research

Research is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. Here are the top tools you can use for your agency.

? Finding the perfect keywords is a snap with our free Keyword Tool.

16. Keyword Insights

Keyword Insights’ AI technology identifies thousands of keyword ideas, puts them into topic clusters, and helps you create content.

AI tools for marketing agency - Keyword Insights home page.

AI tools for marketing agency - Keyword Insights home page.


It’s a great automated tool for research, but it also helps you plan and outline your strategy. When you are ready to produce content, you click a button, and the information and brief go right to your content writer.

Pricing: The basic plan starts at $58 a month.

17. Clearscope

Clearscope uses AI technology to identify competing website pages and their common keywords, then analyzes your content for comparison. This can shave hours off the time you spend on each piece.

AI tools for marketing agency - Clearscope home screen.

AI tools for marketing agency - Clearscope home screen.


With Clearscope, you input your content and improve your chance of showing up on search engines by adding the suggested keywords and enhancing the piece using a graded scale.

Pricing: Plans start at $199 monthly.

18. Frase.io

Frase does a great job combining SEO research with AI writing. In short, you can do everything in one place to research, outline, write, and optimize your content.

AI tools for marketing agency - Frase home screen.

AI tools for marketing agency - Frase home screen.


Pricing: Subscribers pay $12.66 monthly (billed annually) with options to upgrade packages.

Choosing the right AI marketing agency tools in 2024

Effective marketing AI tools help you save resources and increase productivity to build better campaigns and strategies. You just have to find the right fit.

It’s best to start with a challenge and work backward. Where are the workflow bottlenecks? What repetitive busywork is a creative contributor constantly bogged down by? Then, look for AI tools that address those challenges. Do that regularly, and you’ll run an even more efficient marketing agency.

Here are the best AI tools for marketing agencies:

  1. ChatGPT
  2. Jasper
  3. Copy.ai
  4. Typeframes
  5. Midjourney
  6. Grammarly
  7. FeeHive
  8. Hootsuite OwlyWriter AI
  9. Lately.ai
  10. Wordable
  11. Zapier
  12. Taskade AI
  13. Drift
  14. HelpHub
  15. Perplexity
  16. Keyword Insights
  17. Clearscope
  18. Frase.io