12 hour YouTube Coding Bootcamp 2024!

12 hour YouTube Coding Bootcamp 2024!

? Taken from https://www.codewithania.com/

00:00 Introduction
02:06 What is a Code Editor?
03:41 Code editor options
04:29 Files files files
08:05 HTML Introduction
10:01 What exactly is it?
12:20 Syntax
17:42 Saving files
18:54 Anatomy https://bit.ly/html-anatomy
23:26 Headings
25:25 Paragraphs
26:40 Headings, paragraphs and emphasis https://bit.ly/headings-paragraphs
32:59 Indenting code
34:39 Lists https://bit.ly/htlm-list
39:30 Links https://bit.ly/html-lks
44:26 Navigating pages https://bit.ly/html-pages
51:56 Images https://bit.ly/html-imgs
55:50 Tables https://bit.ly/html-tb
1:04:00 Divs
1:05:40 Semantic sectioning
1:08:21 ?Project: Table Tennis Leaderboard https://bit.ly/leader-brd
1:26:04 Forms
1:27:32 Inputs
1:33:53 Exercise 1 https://bit.ly/input-ex
1:41:21 Exercise 2 https://bit.ly/input-ex-2
1:44:35 Exercise 3 https://bit.ly/input-ex-3
1:49:36 Select dropdown https://bit.ly/html-slc
1:51:11 using the select element https://bit.ly/html-slc-x
1:55:11 The inspect tool
1:57:22 Data attribute https://bit.ly/data-at
1:59:54 Commenting out code https://bit.ly/com-out
2:02:08 What’s next?
2:04:40 CSS Introduction
2:08:22 File setup https://bit.ly/file-set
2:12:52 Style text https://bit.ly/sty-tex
2:19:33 Class selectors https://bit.ly/class-s
2:24:13 ID selectors https://bit.ly/id-se
2:26:56 Commenting out https://bit.ly/com-ot
2:29:27 The box model https://bit.ly/box-mod
2:34:56 Styling a div https://bit.ly/sty-div
2:39:00 Solution: styling a div https://bit.ly/sty-div-s
2:42:36 Colors
2:44:22 RGB https://bit.ly/rgbx
2:48:31 HEX https://bit.ly/hexx
2:54:56 Opacity https://bit.ly/opa-x
2:58:04 Gradients https://bit.ly/grdx
3:03:12 Advanced gradients https://bit.ly/gradcs
3:06:14 Shadows https://bit.ly/shds
3:12:34 Style links https://bit.ly/sty-lnk
3:16:21 ?Project: Profile Badge https://bit.ly/prf-bd
3:40:00 Selectors https://bit.ly/slctx
3:47:50 Position
3:51:55 Positioning divs
3:56:37 Floating elements
3:59:05 Z-index https://bit.ly/zind
4:05:10 Exercise: Z-index https://bit.ly/zind-x
4:10:44 Extra fonts
4:14:51 ?Project: Burger Menu https://bit.ly/brgr-x
4:57:00 Flex box
4:58:37 Main Axis https://bit.ly/flx-x
5:02:25 Dynamic spacing
5:08:16 Exercise: Flexbox https://bit.ly/fl-box
5:14:24 Flex items https://bit.ly/fl-it
5:19:30 Styling buttons https://bit.ly/css-bt
5:24:06 :hover :active :disabled https://bit.ly/hvr-x
5:27:25 Controlling Scrolling https://bit.ly/scrl
5:30:48 ?Project: Photo Carousel https://bit.ly/crsl
5:49:05 Forms https://bit.ly/frm-x
5:54:45 Input types https://bit.ly/inpt
6:01:38 Focusing on inputs https://bit.ly/fc-inp
6:05:36 Nesting in CSS https://bit.ly/nst-x
6:08:47 ?Project: Signup Modal https://bit.ly/sg-md
6:37:20 Responsiveness
6:40:13 Break points https://bit.ly/br-pt
6:44:27 Viewport https://bit.ly/vw-pt
6:46:54 Transforming https://bit.ly/tr-fm
6:49:11 Keyframes https://bit.ly/ky-fr
6:52:31 ?Project: Developer Portfolio https://bit.ly/dev-p
8:49:46 What next?
8:51:21 JavaScript Intro
8:55:48 Client-side vs server-side
8:58:52 File setup
9:01:42 console.log()
9:07:46 Variables https://bit.ly/vr-x
9:14:12 Scope
9:16:54 var vs let https://bit.ly/vr-lt
9:23:39 const https://bit.ly/cntx
9:28:41 Booleans, strings, numbers
9:32:51 Exercise: Booleans, strings, numbers https://bit.ly/bsn-x
9:37:33 Other data types
9:41:44 Arithmetic operators https://bit.ly/art-x
9:45:29 Comparison operators https://bit.ly/cp-x
9:48:51 Assignment operators https://bit.ly/as-x
9:54:45 Equality operators https://bit.ly/eq-op
10:01:08 if statement https://bit.ly/if-x
10:06:01 Falsey + truthy https://bit.ly/f-trx
10:10:12 Logical operators
10:17:20 Nullish coalescence operator
10:20:26 Ternary operator
10:23:35 if/else
10:26:03 Exercise: if/else
10:29:05 Exercise: if exercise
10:34:20 Exercise: if/else
10:37:49 Loops
10:40:17 For statement
10:45:49 Do…while statement
10:50:11 …while statement
10:52:35 Exercise: Fizz buzz
10:57:27 Functions
11:03:49 Arguments + parameters
11:09:24 Exercise: Arguments + parameters
11:12:59 Exercise: functions progress https://bit.ly/fcpr
11:18:24 Function expressions
11:22:35 Exercise: Function expressions
11:24:45 Arrow function expressions
11:29:50 Exercise: Arrow function expressions
11:32:22 Methods and properties
11:35:19 The Math Object
11:41:23 Exercise: The Math Object https://bit.ly/mh-x
11:44:47 Web APIs
11:48:26 .addEventListener()
11:54:06 Where now